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Hedgerows are linear features composed of woody species. Ancient
hedgerows are those which were in existence before the Enclosures
Acts (passed between 1720 and 1840 in Britain). Species-rich
hedgerows are those which contain 5 or more native woody species
on average in a 30 m length, as defined in Wicks & Cloughley,
1998. In urban areas many hedgerows are of relatively recent
origin, having been planted along the boundaries of gardens,
parks or open space around schools and other institutions. These
hedgerows are frequently composed of non-native coniferous or
evergreen species.
When the amount of documented
native-species hedgerow is identified by borough, as a percentage
of the total native-species hedgerow resource in London, it
does give an indication of the distribution of this resource
(see Table 1 in the full version of this Audit).
The hedgerows with most intrinsic nature conservation value
are mainly those that predate the Enclosures Acts. Many of
these hedgerows are remnants of ancient woodland, retained
to mark boundaries. They consist of species such as hazel
Corylus avellana, oak Quercus robur, hornbeam Carpinus betula
and field maple Acer campestre and harbour woodland or woodland
edge flora including bluebell Hyacinthoides non-scripta, primrose
Primula vulgaris, wood anemone Anemone nemerosa and honeysuckle
Lonicera pericylmenum. Hedgerows, as boundary features, are
ecologically important for a diverse range of invertebrates.
The orientation of the hedge can provide varied micro-climates
and associated features such as banks and ditches create additional
habitat diversity. As corridors, hedgerows allow species of
small mammal such as wood mouse and bank vole to move between
nearby wooded habitats. This helps to prevent local extinctions
through the isolation of small populations. Bats will also
use hedgerows as flight line features and the loss or fragmentation
of the hedgerow can result in a reduction in a bat's range.
Old hedgerows are also important from a cultural perspective,
often marking boundaries of historical significance or the
line of historic green lanes and other rights of way.
Although of less intrinsic nature conservation value than
the older native-species hedgerows, mixed and non-native species
hedgerows around parks and gardens can provide nest-sites
for common garden birds and habitat for a variety of common
species of invertebrate as well as some that are rare or declining.
The privet hawk-moth, for example, is now rare in London,
despite the caterpillar feeding on garden hedgerow shrubs
such as garden privet, lilac and forsythia.
Most old hedgerows in London, particularly in the arable farmland
of the Green Belt or within the mostly densely urbanised parts
of the city, no longer serve their original purpose as stock-proof
barriers or markers of parish or property boundaries. Consequently
they are subject to 'grubbing out' where their presence hinders
agricultural operations, development or expansion of recreational
areas - or neglect where they no longer delineate a recognised
boundary. Even where a hedgerow may still prove useful as
a stock-proof barrier (e.g. where livestock, particularly
horses, are paddocked - a relatively common occurrence throughout
London's Green Belt) it is often removed - either to expand
the effective grazing area, or because of the difficulties
of hedgerow maintenance.
The most prevalent form of mismanagement is flailing or cutting
too frequently. Hedges which are cut or flailed to the same
width and height on an annual basis rarely flower or fruit
(depriving animal species of a food supply) and become too
dense and compact to provide suitable nesting habitat for
many birds. Conversely, a hedgerow that has not been managed
(cut, coppiced or layed) for many years eventually loses the
essential characteristics of a hedgerow and becomes a line
of trees. This habitat is usually considerably less valuable
to wildlife. Other commonly encountered examples of unsympathetic
hedgerow management are mowing, spraying or ploughing vegetation
at the base of a hedgerow; and filling gaps in native-species
hedgerows with quick-growing conifers.
Hedgerows have become something a cause celebre, in part because
of their historical associations and as symbols of a romanticised
view of the English countryside. This cultural value of hedgerows
ensures that there is considerable public interest in hedgerow
conservation and protection.
Better hedgerow management in London's farmland and semi-natural
open spaces can be promoted through targeted advice and incentive
schemes such as Countryside Stewardship. The restoration of
neglected hedgerows can also be addressed through incentive
schemes linked to a growing interest in the traditional skills
of hedgelaying and coppicing. Although never a replacement for existing hedgerows, new hedges
can be planted and can be particularly valuable in restoring
links between isolated areas of semi-natural woodland or scrub
Traditional hedgerows were a functional element in the landscape.
Therefore, restoring a 'purpose' for hedgerows might prove
an effective tool for ensuring the management and restoration
of existing hedgerows and the establishment of new ones. The
Metropolitan Police Crime Prevention Unit has advised that
planting thorny hedgerows along boundaries provides a deterrent
to burglars. Furthermore, establishing or restoring hedgerows
along the boundaries of parks and other open spaces provides
a visual barrier to the urban landscape and may filter noise
and other pollutants. Hedgerow restoration and management
can also be a catalyst for restoring neglected rights of way
or re-establishing a sense of neighbourhood by rediscovering
and redefining old parish boundaries.

This is only a summary - download
the full audit in pdf
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