Acid grassland
habitat audit |

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Acid grassland generally consists of fine-leaved grasses such
as common bent and fescues, with typical herbs such as sheep's
sorrel, tormentil and heath bedstraw. Acid grassland flora is
sometimes associated with lowland heath and mire communities.
This assemblage is commonly found on nutrient-poor, free-draining
and acidic soils underlain by the sands of bagshot beds, gravels,
sandstones and acid igneous rocks.
Although acid grassland is one of the most extensive semi-natural
habitats in the United Kingdom, there are scant data on its
true extent. Estimates suggest that there is in excess of 1,200,000
ha of acid grassland in the uplands but in the lowlands there
is unlikely to be more than 30,000ha. Acid grassland is widespread
throughout London; only six out of the thirty-three London boroughs
have no recorded areas of acid grassland. There are several
quite extensive areas, particularly in the Royal Parks in west
London, the southern part of Epping Forest in north London and
Wimbledon Common.
Lowland acid grassland
is becoming increasingly rare in Britain. Although intrinsically
less species-rich than neutral or chalk grassland of similar
quality, acid grassland contains many characteristic species
that do not occur widely in other grassland types. Nationally
rare plants such as clustered clover Trifolium glomeratum,
fine-leaved sandwort Minuartia hybrida and autumn squill Scilla
autumnalis can all be found in acid grassland in London. Even
within central London, in the City of Westminster, a tiny
patch of acid grassland supports harebell Campanula rotundifolia.
More typical acid grassland species include mat grass Nardus
stricta, early hair-grass Aira praecox and sheep's sorrel
Rumex acetosella.
Acid grasslands are also valuable for invertebrates, especially
hymenoptera (ants, bees and wasps) such as the mining bee
Andrena florea; and butterflies such as green hairstreak and
small copper. Few bird species have a particular association
with acid grasslands, but green woodpecker, meadow pipit and
linnet are invariably present on the larger acid grassland
Although much reduced in area and distribution and varying
in quality, acid grassland is still a significant habitat
in Greater London, particularly in the many parks and commons.
It is, however, a fragile habitat which requires careful management.
Many formal parks and open spaces contain areas of acid grassland
and relaxation of the mowing regime in these areas will quite
quickly result in some enhancement of biodiversity - common
blue, small heath and small copper butterflies could be encouraged
to breed, for example. A considerable amount of acid grassland
also occurs on some of London's older golf courses and a similar
programme of identifying key areas and modifying mowing regimes
could result in considerable benefit to biodiversity without
seriously detracting from the primary purpose of the course.

This is only a summary - download
the full audit in pdf
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Related documents:
• Acid
grassland habitat action plan
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