Tidal Thames habitat audit |

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The Thames and its tidal creeks encompass the entire length
of the river in London and the tidal limit of its tributaries.
In many cases this tidal limit is artificially restricted by
the operation of various barriers and weirs. The River Thames
runs 42 miles through Greater London from Hampton in the west
to Dartford Creek in the east. For much of its length it is
tidal, the tidal influence reaching as far upriver as Teddington
Lock. There are several tributaries of the Thames which enter
the river within Greater London, a number of which (notably
the Wandle, Ravensbourne, Lea, Roding, Darent and Ingrebourne)
have tidal creeks.
The Thames in London
covers an area of approximately 2400 ha, about 1.5% of London's
surface area. At low tide the river comprises c2050 ha of
open water (85% of the river's surface area), 310 ha of intertidal
mud, sand or shingle (13% of the surface area) and 17 ha of
saltmarsh (0.5%). The remaining area comprises patches of
neutral grassland, woodland and scrub associated with the
islands in the Thames, and remains of former river walls that
are within the existing flood defence. Several areas of tidal
reedbed have developed in recent years, particularly in areas
such as Barking Creek and Bow Creek (see Reedbed Audit).
The flood defences (river walls) on the Thames vary in nature
and characterise the different reaches of the river. Upstream
of Putney Bridge much of the flood defence is sloping revetment,
often vegetated, which softens the river's edge and riverbank.
Between Wandsworth Bridge and the Greenwich Peninsula the
river is largely constrained between vertical concrete and
sheet metal piled walls (although areas of mud, sands and
gravel are exposed at low tide). Downstream of the Greenwich
Peninsula, despite much of the flood defence still consisting
of vertical concrete walls and sheet-metal piling, it is set
further back from the main river channel thus exposing extensive
areas of intertidal mud at low tide.
Management of the Thames rests primarily with two organisations;
the Port of London Authority (PLA) and the Environment Agency
(EA). The PLA is concerned primarily with navigation, pollution
control and land-use planning issues related to the river;
the EA has responsibilities covering flood defence, pollution
control, fisheries, water quality, environmental protection
and nature conservation.
The Thames represents the largest continuous natural habitat
in Greater London. The whole of the Thames and its tidal tributaries
has been identified by the London Ecology Unit as a Site of
Metropolitan Importance for nature conservation. More than
100 fish species have been recorded in the Thames estuary
over the past 30 years, many of these in the river within
Although there is very little natural riverbank along the
Thames and its tidal tributaries (the only significant stretch
being the riverbank at Syon Park), several quite large stretches
of riverbank consist of earth embankment set back from the
river. These sites have allowed saltmarsh, tidal reedbeds
and other intertidal habitats to develop. Furthermore, the
sloping revetment that forms the flood defences in certain
stretches of the river provides an opportunity for aquatic
vegetation to become established along the river's edge. Downstream
of Tower Bridge, sloping revetment provides an opportunity
for the establishment of saltmarsh.
The two most significant threats to the biodiversity of the
Thames in London are pollution and the loss of intertidal
habitat by the encroachment of built development. Although
the severe pollution of the river in the 19th and early 20th
centuries is now a thing of the past, because it flows through
the largest conurbation in Europe the potential for pollution
of the Thames is ever present.
Encroachment of built development on the river corridor is
a major threat to biodiversity in the Thames. The river, particularly
in the central London reaches, has already been severely constricted
so that at low tide only a very narrow fringe of foreshore
is exposed. Further encroachment is likely to prevent or hinder
fish movements and restrict opportunities for diversifying
riverside habitats.
Opportunities exist for retreat from the river as riverside
sites are redeveloped, enabling the establishment of sloping
embankments. With appropriate design riverside walks can enable
people to enjoy the river without undue disturbance of birdlife.
There is a significant potential for restoring and recreating
some of the habitats along the Thames which were lost when
flood defences were installed without due regard to biodiversity.
Innovative approaches to enhancing the value of the river
corridor for wildlife include installing timber cladding on
concrete and sheet-steel flood defences to provide niches
for plants and invertebrates and stepping back (or otherwise
adapting) flood defences to enable habitat enhancement.
The Thames, as a familiar feature of London, provides great
potential for raising awareness of the biodiversity of the
river and beyond. Illustrating the value of the Thames and
its tributaries as a nationally important corridor for migrant
birds, for example, will be an important element of an Action
Plan. Hundreds of thousands of people a day cross the river
or travel along its banks. Some of London's major areas of
open space (Kew Gardens, Battersea Park and Greenwich Park)
and some of its major attractions (The Millennium Dome and
the Wetland Centre - both opening in 2000 - and the Tower
of London) adjoin, or lie adjacent to the river. Furthermore,
the seats of both central government and the new local government
for London are, or will be located alongside the Thames in
central London.

This is only a summary - download
the full audit in pdf
or text format.
Related documents:
• Tidal
Thames Habitat Action Plan
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