Communication planning guidelines
1. Setting Communications
2. Key Messages
3. Target Audiences
4. Communications
5. Aids to Communications
6. Cost of Communications
7. Monitoring and
8. Case Studies
Communications planning should be considered at the outset
of any action plan and it is intended that the London Biodiversity
Action Plan should have a strong communications aspect.
The Communications Topic Group of the London Biodiversity
Partnership has produced these guidelines (14 July 2000) in
order to assist the Species and Habitat Action Plan and Species
Statement working groups in their efforts. To ensure consistency
in Partnership communications and to avoid the delivery of
contradictory messages, the working groups should consult
the Communications Topic Group over their communication objectives,
actions and monitoring. The most appropriate time
to do this is during the second round of Action Plan consultation.
These Guidelines will:
• Provide notes
on setting communications objectives;
• Define the key
messages to be included in all Partnership communication;
• Provide a checklist
of potential target audiences for Partnership communications.
• List methods
of communication for reaching target audiences;
• Provide notes
on the evaluation and monitoring of communications;
• Provide case
studies to illustrate the selection of mechanisms appropriate
to specific target audiences.
Photo of Brentford heron © James Farrell
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