Communication planning guidelines
1. Setting Communications Objectives, 2.
Key Messages, 3.
Target Audiences
4. Communications
Methods, 5. Aids to Communications Planning
6. Cost of Communications,
7. Monitoring and
Evaluation, 8.
Case Studies
Aids to Communications Planning
In addition to considering messages, target audiences and
the variety of communications methods, communications planning
should also try to match appropriate communications methods
with target audiences. It is then important to assess how
to evaluate and monitor the communications effort. The amount
of money available for communications will also inevitably
influence these decisions.
Communications Matrix
The use of a 'Communications Matrix' provides a quick checklist
approach to matching communications methods with target audiences,
in order to ensure that all potential mechanisms have been
considered and to indicate which method is may be the most
appropriate. Matrices can be recommended for their ease of
construction and reference. The following matrix has been
constructed as an example:
It should
be stressed here that although useful as a planning tool,
communications matrices have their limits. They cannot easily
include information on the resource implications of using
specific communication methods, or account for any overlap
that can occur in target audiences.
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