Communication planning guidelines
1. Setting Communications
Objectives, 2. Key Messages, 3.
Target Audiences
4. Communications
Methods, 5. Aids
to Communications Planning
6. Cost of Communications,
7. Monitoring and
Evaluation, 8.
Case Studies
Key Messages
The Communications Topic Group has established the following
key messages for the London Biodiversity Partnership:
• 1.
London is home to a rich diversity of plants and animals;
• 2.
Biodiversity makes London a better place to live and work;
• 3.
We can all help protect and care for biodiversity in London.
These messages should be included in all London Biodiversity
Partnership communications to external audiences - the 'outside
world'. The language used to deliver them, and any other additional
messages, will have to be tailored to suit different audiences
- 'planner speak' will not be understood by young children,
for example. Where possible, the language used should be clear
and simple, free from jargon and acronyms.
Care must also be taken to ensure that the messages communicated
to different target audiences are consistent. Messages should
complement each other and form part of a coherent whole -
it would be confusing and counter-productive if communications
made on behalf of the London Biodiversity Partnership contradicted
each other.
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