Many individuals and organisations devoted their time and
energy to the production of Round 1 of Volume 2, whether they
were involved through the working groups or simply during
consultation. Thank you to everyone and apologies for anyone
who has been accidentally omitted from the list below.
Special acknowledgement goes to the Bridge House Estates Trust
Fund for financially supporting the Partnership's work;
RSPB for managing the Project Officer post and the
Greater London Authority for housing the Project Officer.
Steering Group
Jennifer Adams (Royal Parks); Leo Batten; Richard Bullock
(Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust); Jeremy Dagley (Corporation
of London); Caroline Davis (Thames Estuary Partnership); Dave
Dawson (GLA); Ruth Day (London Natural History Society); Mike
Fitt (Royal Parks); Clive Fox (Groundwork London); Ralph Gaines
(London Wildlife Trust); David Goode (GLA - chair of
London Biodiversity Partnership); Nigel Greenhalgh (BTCV);
Carolyn Harrison (UCL); Rachael Hill (The Environment Agency);
Tim Hill (Lee Valley Regional Park Authority); Rose Jaijee
(London Rivers Association); Ceri Leigh (Natural History Museum);
Niall Machin (GLA); Alison Manning (Port of London Authority);
Mike Manuel (British Waterways); Toby Meadows (Railtrack Southern);
Dave Mole (London Underground Ltd); Iain Notman (Government
Office for London); Chris Skinner (RSPB); Andy Tomczynski
(Thames Water Utilities Ltd); Valerie Woodifield (Countryside
Local Authority Biodiversity Contacts
Richard Adam (Hammersmith & Fulham); Eno Amooquaye (Tower
Hamlets); Richard Barnes (Sutton); David Bevan (Haringey);
Dominic Blake (Kingston Upon Thames); Bernard Bligh (Lewisham);
Martin Boyle (Merton); Moy Cash (Camden); Jeremy Chandler
(Waltham Forest); Erica Constantine (Kensington & Chelsea);
Bob Flindall (Havering); Bob Gilbert (Islington); Alister
Hayes (Bromley); Alan Holmes (Redbridge); Mike Levett (Barking
& Dagenham); Mel Lloyd (Barnet); Stephen McAnews (Hounslow);
Doug Napier (CIP, Hounslow); Sally Peters (Greenwich); Janet
Rangeley & Jalec Tippell (Hillingdon); Caroline Richards
(Hackney); Valerie Selby (Wandsworth); Jane Shaw (City of
Westminster); George Si (Enfield); Jennifer Smith (Newham);
Julie Tallentire (Southwark); Ben Thomas (Bexley); Keith Townsend
(Ealing); Mark Trevethan (Corporation of London); Leslie Willia
(Brent); Anew Willia (Croydon); Emma Wilson (Richmond Upon
Thames); Steve Woad (Harrow); Anthony Wright (Lambeth).
Other Partners
Ken Adams (University of East London); N Anderson; John Archer
(GLA); Ross Baker; Andy Barie (National Trust); Alec Baxter-Brown
(Downlands Countryside Management Project); David Bentley
(Hampstead Heath Visitor Centre); Prof Ted Benton (Univ of
Essex); Nick Bertrand; Lucy-Anne Bishop (CUE, Horniman Museum);
Dan Bloomfield (GLA); Jenny Bowen (English Nature); Peter
Bradley (Rye Meads Sewage Treatment Works); Jane Braham (Holly
Lodge); Mark Bridger (Royal Botanic Gardens Kew); Jonathan
Briggs (British Waterways); Steve Brooks (Department of Entomology);
Julie Brownbridge (GLA); Dr Richard Bullock (Wildfowl and
Wetlands Trust); Rodney Burton (LNHS); Phil Butler (Friends
of Rainham Marsh); Paul Canneaux (Corporation of London);
Peter Carne (Learning Through Landscapes); Nick Carter (BTO);
Roselle Chapman (Institute of Zoology); Adam Cheesman (Woking
Ponds Group); Nicola Cheetham (Transport for London); Annie
Chipchase (Lower Lea Project); Chislehurst and St Paul's
Cray Conservators; Sue Clifford (Common Ground); Derek Coleman
(BTO); Esther Collis; Emma Cooper (Herts Natural History Society);
Fiona Cooper; Chris Corrigan (RSPB); MJ Courts; Andrew Craven
(Kent Wildlife Trust); AD Crawford; Humphrey Crick (BTO);
Steve Crosby (Thames Water Utilities Ltd);The Curator (Museum
of Garden History); Adrian Dally (Food Standards Agency);
Ruth Davis (Plantlife); Sarah Dawkins (RSPB); Jason Debney
& Christine Diwell (Thames Landscape Strategy); David
Dench (Countryside Management Service); Mike Dennis (Essex
Birdwatching Society); Keith Derrett (Kent Ornithological
Society); Isobel Dickson; Nick Dixon; John Dobson; Giles Dolphin
(GLA); Jay Doyle (Surrey Wildlife Trust); Tony Drakeford;
Tony Duckett (Royal Parks); Chris Durell (English Nature);
J Edwards; Nic Ferriday (Selbourne Society); Jeremy Field;
Helen Firminger (London Wildlife Trust ); Andy Fisher (Wildlife
Crime Service); John Fitzpatrick (LNHS); Tony Floyde (IPC
Media Ltd); Ron Foster (LaFarge Redlands); Mathew Frith (EN);
Alison Fure; Meg Game (GLA); Dusty Gedge; Toby Gibbs (Essex
Wildlife Trust); Steve Gilbert (RSPB); Jill Goddard &
Jonathan Ducker (Deptford Creek Regeneration Project); Jim
Gooch; Chris Gravestock (Grimsdyke Golf Course); Rob Grunsell
(BTCV Thames-side); Pete Guest (LWT); Dan Hackett (LNHS);
Heather Hall (London Zoo Aquarium); Kevin Hand (The Tree Council);
Martin Harper (Plantlife); Peter Harvey; John Hatto; Ruth
Hayhurst (Wildlife 2000); Clive Herbert (LART/London Mammal
Group); Becky Hesch (London Tree Officers Association); Jan
Hewlett (GLA); Karen Hills (WS Atkins plc); David Hole (Edward
Grey Institute); Michael Holland; John Hunnisett (Addington
Golf Course); Gail Jeffcoate (Butterfly Conservation); Nicki
Johnston (Cross River Partnership); Peter Jones (University
College London); Jenny Jones; Richard Jones; Valerie Keeble
(PTES); Dan Keech (Common Ground); Karen Kemmis-Betty (LWT);
Phil Kirby (British Gas Properties); M.W. Kirby; Ruth Kirk
(Crucian UK); David Lambert; Chris Lamsdell; Tom Langton (Froglife);
Long Coombe Hill Golf Course; Sue Lovemore (GLA); Kate Lowndes
(Trees of Time & Place); Richard Mabey; Alistair Maltby
(Thames 21); Suzanne Marshall (Environment Agency); Judy Marshall
(South London Botanical Institute); Colleen Martin & Alison
Taylor (Thames Explorer Trust); Topher Martyn (Syon Park Ltd);
Vicky Mason (Rail Link Countryside Initiative); Peter Massini
(English Nature); Carol McCormick (YOC, RSPB); Des McKenzie;
Edward Milner (Acacia Environment); Paul Mobbs Morgan (Bedfont
Lakes Country Park); Mark Monk-Terry (British Airways); Tony
Morris; Rick Morris; Graham Myers (GLA); Adam Nardell (Cleanaway);
GJ Norris (Mitcham Common Conservators); Louise Oliver; Nick
Owen (Lower Mole Countryside Management Project); Mike Paice;
Andrew Patterson (Watling Chase Community Forest); Jacquie
Pelosi (Thames Gateway Technology Centre); Brian Phelps (Thames
Water Utilities Ltd); Cengiz Philcox (BBOWT); Colin Plant;
Roger Polhill (Royal Botanic Gardens Kew); Emma Pollard (London
Bat Group & Ealing Parks and Countryside Service); Derek
Radcliffe; Nick Radford (English Nature); Jim Reader (Wimbledon
and Putney Common Conservators); Warwick Reynolds (Surrey
Badger Protection Group); Clare Robb (PTES); Graham Roberts
(Sussex Ornithological Society); Mike Robinson (London Borough
of Havering); Kath Rosen (BTCV); Mandy Rudd (LWT); Gillie
Sargent; Andrew Scott (Corporation of London); Andrew Self
(LNHS); Jacqueline Shane; James Sharpe (Froglife); Phil Shaw
(University of East London); Colin Shawyer (Hawk & Owl
Trust); Georgette Shearer (Mammal Society); Geoff Sinclair
(Woodland Trust); Chris Skinner (RSPB); Bob Smith (Hanson
Aggregates); Stephen Spooner; Rob Strachan (Environment Agency);
Roger Suckling; Dennis Summers-Smith; Chris Sumner (English
Heritage); Jill Sutcliffe (English Nature); Bill Swan; Steven
Symonds (Thames Water Utilities Ltd); Nigel Taylor (Royal
Botanic Gardens Kew); Carrie Temple (RSPB); John Tucker; F.J.
Turtle; Roger Tydeman (Croham Hurst Golf Club); Raymond Uffen;
Jo Valentine; Simon Van Der Byl; Martin Wagner (Thames Water
Utilities Ltd); Mike Waite (GLA); Jim Walker (London Walking
Forum); Shaun Wardell (Association of Croydon Conservation
Societies); Cliff Watson (LWT Hounslow); Mike Webber (Museum
of London); Graham White (Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust);
Malcolm Whitehead (Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust); Barry Williams
(National Trust); Paul Williams (Natural History Museum);
Michael Winship; Jeremy Wright (Heath & Hampstead Society);
Andrew Wright; Frank Wrigley (Orpington Field Club); Brian
Wurzel; Ian Yarham (GLA).
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