
Project Board 080999
Project Board 030500
Project Board 040700
Project Board 180800
Project Board 021000
Project Board 020201

Project Board

18 August 2000

London Wildlife Trust

Niall Machin (Chair)
Nick Radford (EN)
Ralph Gaines (LWT)
Alister Hayes (LB Bromley)
Steve Gilbert (RSPB)
James Farrell (Project Officer)
Apologies - Andy Tomczynski (Thames Water)

1.    Proposals for EN People and Wildlife funding.

It was agreed to put forward a proposal to EN for display panels to publicise stag beetles (national and London results) and the work of the Partnership. AH to liaise with JF and a letter to go to Margaret at EN.

2.    Future funding of Project Officer; production of 'Forward Plan' for the Partnership

Bridgehouse seem highly likely to fund the extra year.

However, in the event that this is not forthcoming, we need to recommend a fall-back position. The following is recommended:


If BHETF funding is not secured, the Steering Group should request that the GLA should fund the Project Officer from at least Jan 2001 to Dec 2001.

Beyond this initial option described above, we need to address what role the Partnership will have over the next 5 years and what staff/resources will be needed to fulfil that role. The Board had agreed at its last meeting to draft such an options paper ('Forward Plan'). NM to draft this paper in consultation with other Project Board members. Action NM and All

Major issues to consider for the Forward Plan:

What are the tasks for biodiversity in London over the next 5 years - for the Partnership and others - what is needed, bearing in mind GLA role
What staff and resources will be required to implement this work
How will this be funded and who will be the employers
Desirable structure of the Partnership to deliver above (need to widen partnership?)
What is the relationship between the LBP and the Mayor?

Issues to consider:

Review of action plans (every 3 years?) - may require Partnership post to review (in LB Bromley, their 10 year action plans set a context for action over time, and are reviewed every 3 years (i.e. 3 reviews during life of plan), plus an annual report)
Forward Plan to commence on publication of first action plans?
Future of the Partnership post(s): after plans are published, is there a case for dissolving the current post and replacing it with more of an administration post (e.g. within the GLA) to oversee implementation
Original proposal for 3 year project - after this, intention that actions would then be written into the work of the Partners

In terms of a possible Business Biodiversity Post (see JF's Proposal Outline), EN funding ('People and Wildlife') will be available in 2001. James Marsden interested in piloting a post in London. Any comments on the proposal outline to James. Action All

3.    Minutes of last Board meeting

Outstanding actions: NR to ask Pete Massini (soon to start work at EN London Office) to Chair Habitats, Species and Data Topic Group (next meeting 4th Sept.) Action NR

4.    AOB

i    Progress on Action Plans. JF reported that:
Looking unlikely that house sparrow plan will be produced - GLA still to decide on their input - JF to still chase Action JF
House martin and water vole also possibly doubtful
Others on track
Will be varied format and some may need to be reviewed earlier than others - role of Project Board in strategic approach to reviewing plans
Lack of admin. support at GLA may prevent a co-ordinated approach to consultation - JF to explore options Action JF
ii    Suggested structure/contents for action plans

See JF's paper - further comments to James. Action All

Input required from Project Board members (Niall - UDPs, Alister - links). Needs 'plea for action' section.

iii    December launch and conference.

See JF's 'Missing Links' paper. Agreed to drop 'tourism': replace "Art" with 'Culture', i.e., becomes '….New Ways of Integrating Culture, Health and Biodiversity in London'. Envisaged support and input from elsewhere in the GLA (health, culture), plus GLA help in organising. Comments to James. Action All

iv    Partnership's role as consultee to Mayor's strategies

Partnership likely to be major consultee for Mayor's biodiversity strategy, but need to clarify our role re. consultation and input into other Mayoral strategies. Raise this at Steering Group Action NM
