Niall Machin (chair)
James Farrell (GLA)
Alister Hayes (LB Bromley)
Peter Massini (English Nature)
Esther Collis (London Biodiversity Partnership)
Steve Gilbert (RSPB)
- Apologies Andy Tomczynski (Thames Water), Ralph Gaines (London
Wildlife Trust)
- Minutes and action from last meeting … completed
- Forward Plan
A revised draft prepared by NM was discussed, following comments
at the last Steering Group. To be re-titled as 3-year
Structure Plan, various comments were made by the Project
Board and a further revised paper will now go to the next Steering
Group for decision, with the following recommendations:
A. The Steering Group are asked to agree the Structure Plan,
in particular to:
- Decide upon and agree the preferred funding option.
- Agree the revised Partnership structure
- Agree priorities and key tasks
- Agree that a Memorandum of Understanding is drawn up, as described
in the Structure Plan.
- Recommendations from other Topic Groups
The Habitats, Species and Data Topic Group recommends:
B. That the Steering Group approves the list of Round 2 Action
Plans to be prepared before end 2001.
C. That the Steering Group approves the London Biodiversity
Partnership Site Recording Guidelines.
- Any other business
- NM announced his 'retirement' from the Project Board due to
staff restructuring at GLA and proposed that JF should be his
replacement: this was agreed.