1. Recommendations
from the Topic Groups
There were no recommendations from the Communications Topic Group
for the Board to consider. Although there were recommendations
made at the Habitats, Species and Data Topic Group, these had
not been formalised and therefore were not raised at the Board.
2. London Biodiversity Audit (Volume 1 of the
Action Plan)
The Project Officer described the suggested layout and format
of the Audit and its accompanying Introduction. The Board agreed
that this was acceptable.
3. Launch
The launch of the documents was discussed with particular reference
to which organisations and individuals to invite and the structure
of the Conference session.
The Board approved the idea that there should be an Open Forum
after the morning Conference, so that discussion and debate can
take place around the major themes of the day. Suggestions were
made about the composition of a panel for the Forum.
4. Website
The Board briefly discussed the issue of a website, which would
contain audits, action plans and other information about the Partnership.
The Board agreed that a website would be valuable.
5. Next Meeting
The next meeting is at 2.30 on 18th January 2000,
at English Natures London office.