
Project Board 080999
Project Board 030500
Project Board 040700
Project Board 180800
Project Board 021000
Project Board 020201

Project Board

4 July 2000

London Wildlife Trust

Niall Machin (Chair)
Ralph Gaines (LWT)
Nick Radford (EN)
Steve Gilbert (RSPB)
Alister Hayes (LB Bromley)
James Farrell (Project Officer)

1.    Apologies Received from Andy Tomczynski (Thames Water).

2.    Action points from last meeting and report from Project Officer.

  1. Introduced species. David Bevan has drafted a paper.
  2. Flow chart. JF produced a chart setting out the relationships between the various groups comprising the Partnership and others (GLA, Boroughs Forum). Attached. Any comments on this to JF.
  3. Marketing post. Raised informally with Bridgehouse. Concluded that a separate bid would not be successful at this stage. Better to ensure that this role fully incorporated into JF's post. See item 5 below.
  4. Background statement on Partnership. No longer needed - relationship with GLA appears to have been solved. See item 6 below.
  5. Action Plan progress. See table attached. Idea to link mistletoe with December event - culture and nature (sponsored by Kiss FM??). Need to amend the list to put back those plans we can't produce this year. Likely that the GLA will lead on 'woodlands' and 'house sparrow'. No-one currently leading on tower mustard - NM to investigate whether GLA could lead on this. ACTION NM
  6. Web site. JF progressing this but time consuming. Board agreed that a small amount of the budget could be spent supporting JF in this work.

Recommendation 1: That the wasteland action plan is put back into next year's round of plan production and that a wasteland statement is produced in December 2000.

3.    Recommendations from Topic Groups

Habitats, Species and Data. Mathew Frith (current Chair) is leaving LWT. Need to find new Chair. Suggested that EN should Chair this group. NR to organise. ACTION NR

It was also recommended that Dave Dawson should be invited to attend the Steering Group given his new role in the GLA. ACTION JF

Communications. Now meeting monthly. Chair Patrick Wilson (BTCV) replaced at last meeting by Chris Skinner, RSPB. Final draft of Communications Planning Guidelines is being produced and will be submitted to the Steering Group next week. Will now start work on strategy. It is recommending that the December conference (launch of action plans) should be on the theme of 'culture and nature'. Suggested that conference workshops will result in a spring 2001 publication. ICA as possible venue. The Board considered that monies could be spent in advance of the conference to produce some sort of glossy publication/research stimulating the issues around culture and nature (e.g. street names).

Recommendation 2: That the Steering Group endorses the proposal for a December event that has the 'links between culture and nature' as a central theme. The launch of Volume 2 of the Action Plan should be an element of the event.

4.    London Boroughs Biodiversity Forum

AH reported that all sectors will have met twice by 11th July. Terms of Reference circulated. AH will be revising these for submission to the Steering Group. It was agreed that consultation drafts of the action plans will go to the 4 sector reps. for wider distribution to the boroughs (means of borough consultation). The Forum had agreed that only council officers should attend (others play at role at individual borough BAP level and on the London Partnership Steering Group). Jill Goddard has produced a matrix which the boroughs will fill out to provide an update of local borough BAP progress. Need to progress links with GLA - AH to prepare a paper for the Steering Group. ACTION AH

5.    Funding for Project Officer.

JF, SG and Sam Dawes (RSPB regional development manager) had met with Clare Thomas from Bridgehouse which was very positive and the bid for next year's funding (£33,607) was submitted on 23rd June. A decision would be forthcoming in September.

There was considerable discussion regarding future options for the Partnership not only in terms of the outcome of the Bridgehouse bid for next year, but also for additional support for the Project Officer. The possibility of funding from EN was discussed and JF agreed to meet EN for further discussions. Depending on the outcome of this meeting, the Board agreed to have an additional meeting to discuss options. ACTION JF/NM

It was recommended that the Board should produce a paper highlighting the options for the Partnership for the coming year.

Recommendation 3: The Steering Group request that the Project Board produce an options paper covering the coming year, to be produced for the October Steering Group meeting.

6.    Election of Chair for the Partnership

The GLA have nominated David Goode as Chair. No other nominations have been received so far. JF will lead at the meeting until the Chair is appointed. Nominations need to be proposed and seconded. A show of hands will be required if more than one nomination. It was also recommended by the Board that the Steering Group Chair should be reviewed every 2 years and the Chairs of the Topic Groups and Project Board every year (at the first meeting of the year).

Recommendation 4: Chair of Steering Group reviewed every 2 years, Chairs of Topic Groups and Project Board every year.

7.    AOB


8.    Date of next meeting

2nd October 2pm at LWT.

(Note Provisional extra meeting planned for 18th August 11a.m LWT - NM to confirm)
