In addition to the specific action described in the individual
Habitat and Species Action Plans, there are generic actions
that lie across several plans. This section outlines these
generic actions and should be read in conjunction with each
The Generic Action section is not intended to be a complete
summary of each issue. Rather, it provides a structure for
strategic action and a guide to the major issues reader.
Useful publications are listed under each section where
The Partnership has identified 7 generic issues:
- Site management
- Habitat
- Species
- Ecological
- Biological
- Communications
- Funding
Important background guidance for several of these issues
is the Government planning guidance on Nature Conservation
('PPG9'). In particular, this provides guidance on the
protection on species and statutory and non-statutory wildlife
sites. It also touches on habitat management and data issues
and refers to the important role of English Nature in providing
further advice in these areas.