Project Board minutes

Terms of Reference
6 March 2001
19 June 2001
3 October 2001,
14 May 2002, First
Business Planning meeting
26 March 2003
2 May 2003, Business
Planning Meeting
25 June 2003
10 October 2003
Minutes of October 10, 2003
Greater London Authority
Peter Massini (EN)
Andrew Bedford (London Boroughs Biodiversity Forum, LB Islington)
David Bevan (LNHS)
James Farrell (GLA) Chair
Jenny Scholfield (LWT, Management Working Group)
John Archer (GLA, Records Centre Group)
Gavin Bloomfield (RSPB)
Dave Mole (London Underground)
Marina Pacheco (BTCV)
Nigel Reeve (Royal Parks) for Mike Fitt
Jan Hewllett (GLA, Funding Strategy item)
Carlo Laurenzi London Wildlife Trust (observer)
Mike Fitt (Royal Parks)
Mathew Frith (Peabody Trust)
William Moreno (Project Officer)
Mary Norden British Waterways (chair, Habitats, Species and
Data Working Group)
Andy Tomczynski (Thames Water)
Rachel Cook EN (chair, Communications Working Group)
Tim Chapple Thames Estuary Partnership (observer)
Major items and action points
Working Group reports
Management Working Group report
It was agreed that the Management Working Group should continue
to manage the appointment of consultants to produce the Partnership
Development Plan
London Boroughs Biodiversity Forum report
The Forum has been working with the Metropolitan Police and
GLA on a wildlife crime conference (28 November 2003). They
are also working with Dave Dawson, GLA, to establish common
biodiversity indicators.
Action: Andrew Bedford to send Dave's note
on indicators to the Partnership
Project Officer report
It was noted that the Wetlands Project is represented on the
Habitats working group.
Biodiversity Records Centre
It was agreed that the Biodiversity Records
Centre steering group would have a place on the Project Board
equivalent to the chairs of the working groups, not as a 'member'.
John Archer will be the representative.
It was agreed that there would no longer
be a separate London Biodiversity Records Centre Working Group
in the Partnership.
Action: John Archer to keep the Project Board
up to date with the situation regarding the records centre
development plan funding bid.
Action: James Farrell/William to ensure that
the Project Board Terms of Reference and Partnership MOU reflect
the new structure.
Agreed: The Management Working Group will
take forward the development plan work on behalf of the Project
Funding working group
There was a discussion about Jan Hewlett's funding paper,
which presented options for taking forward project funding
work in the Partnership.
There was consensus around several points:
• Beaurocratic reporting for Action
Plan Leads should be avoided
• Leads should be able to meet/share
ideas regularly
• The Management Working Group
Terms of Reference already include a strategic project funding
advice role.
Action: Management Working Group to take
on project funding role. There will not be a separate Funding
working group. As part of this the Group should:
• identify a threshold at which
the Partnership gives advice on a particular funding bid/situation.
• produce a protocol for dealing
with these bids. It was agreed that advice would be issued
by the Project Board, which could communicate via email (special
meetings not necessarily needed)
• identify action plan funding
• firm up the definition of the
work it was agreed the GLA would undertake (through Jan Hewlett),
as drafted in part a) of Jan's paper
• consider whether any changes
to MWG membership are required to undertake this work.
Action: Jan Hewlett to inform leads and other
NGO members of the Partnership, in advance, about planned
visits to funders. Partners may have information that would
be useful in Jan's meetings, and there may be sensitivities
around any current bids.
Action: Jan to report back on the findings
of her funding visits to leads, MWG, Project Board and other
It was noted that the members of the funding group were happy
to act as advisers if required in future.
Regional Biodiversity Fora Chairs Meeting
Mathew Frith attended this meeting arranged by DEFRA to assist
the implementation of the England Biodiversity Strategy. He
found it useful. It was noted that DEFRA considers these meetings
to be an example of good practice in regional working.
Chair of the Project Board
It was agreed that James Farrell would remain
as chair until the next meeting, and would take nominations
in the meantime. It was agreed that the role
of the Chair of the Partnership (David Goode) would be discussed
as part of the Development Plan work. The exact role depends
on how the Partnership will be organised as a result of this
It was agreed that a confirmed Chair/Champion/President
should be in place at the end of this development phase.
Alister Hayes noted that the EU Life bid 'Sustainable Urban
Network' (SUN) was successful. As a result, the following
London boroughs will have biodiversity co-ordinators for a
period of 2.5 years: Bromley, Hounslow, Redbridge, Richmond,
Alister tabled the Darwin at Down prospectus for World Heritage
Site status.
Gavin Bloomfield noted a possible error in the 'Desired Outputs'
paper prepared by William, about 13% of funding.
It was confirmed after the meeting that the paper presented
at the Board was a draft, and this item didn't appear in the
document sent to consultants.
Next meeting: January

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