Project Board minutes

Terms of Reference
6 March 2001
19 June 2001
3 October 2001,
14 May 2002, First
Business Planning meeting
26 March 2003
2 May 2003, Business Planning Meeting
25 June 2003
10 October 2003
Minutes of May 2, 2003
London Wildlife Trust
Business Plan
Peter Massini (EN)
Sam Willitts (EN)
Alister Hayes (London Boroughs Biodiversity Forum & LB
James Farrell (GLA)
Chair Jenny Scholfield (LWT)
Chris Lee (ALG)
William Moreno (LBP)
Project Officer Mike Fitt (Royal Parks)
John Edgington (LNHS)
The group debated the main issues reflected in the consultation
round, and summarised for the Project Board meeting of 26
March 2003.
Marketing Officer - The title should be changed
to Promotion and Funding Officer. The job description given
in the current draft was considered to be OK. Action William
to edit wording in Business Plan.
Project Officer - The current posts funding
for Project Officer will have ended by the second year of
the Business Plan. Once in place, the Director should decide
staff composition.
Action: none
Business Development Post
This was considered to be a contracted piece of work, rather
than an employee post. This should be reflected in the financial
projections as well as any additional costs associated with
obtaining formal status such as solicitors fees etc.
Action: Chris to provide figures for William
to incorporate into Business Plan.
Action: William to contact Tim Chapple (TEP)
to obtain contact details of consultants specialising in this
work. James also to provide contacts.
Action: William to send proposal and Business
Plan to consultant soon, to estimate cost of work (depending
on outcome of records centre discussions).
Mayor's Strategy
Action: Alister Hayes to draft paragraph
on Community Strategies to be included in the plan.
Action: Re-wording to emphasise the BAP delivers
'parts' and 'elements' of the Mayor's Biodiversity Strategy.
The plan should indicate minimum suggested figure per sector
i.e. £2K Environmental Non-Statutory Organisations.
Action: William to update financial information
and circulate to group. The plan should also show clearly
where in kind contributions would be acceptable (ie for quantified
contributions such as office space, overheads, consultancy
work etc). The group agreed that the percentage breakdown
by sector was a reasonable estimate. The group also pointed
out the members of London First, not London First itself,
could make a financial contribution. However it was agreed
that the signatories of the MOU and other members of the Partnership's
core groups would be the first call for funding the Business
Records Centre
In the absence of Mandy Rudd (LWT) Jenny Scholfield explained
LWT's role in its development and felt it is too late to be
having a discussion about the Centre's relationship with the
Partnership. Chris Lee said that the Centre should sit inside
the Partnership's structure, as the service provided by it
could be a central part of the Partnership's work. Pete Massini
pointed out that one of the advantages of having a constituted
Partnership is to be able to tap into funding streams unobtainable
to the individual partners. He also mentioned that as the
Records Centre needs a structure from which to operate the
Partnership could provide such structure, this would also
mean that competition for financial resources for both bodies
would be avoided. The group decided to send representatives
to the next Records Centre meeting to put forward the group's
views on the benefits of having an incorporated Records Centre
and to discuss the most viable and sustainable development.
Also it was decided to hold a Business Plan meeting consecutive
with the Records Centre meeting to evaluate the feedback received
from the Records Centre Group.
Action: Chris Lee to attend Records Centre
Action: Chair of Business Plan meeting to
produce report. The integration of the Records Centre into
the Partnership issue should also be discussed at the next
meeting of LWT Council.
Action: Recommendation to be produced for
Council. Jenny to discuss how this should be done with Justin
Action: William to incorporate changes in
the plan and distribute to working group before sending out
for wider consultation.
Next Meeting: Wednesday 14th May. 4 pm English Nature

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