
PB Agenda


Project Board


3 October 2001 Greater London Authority



James Farrell (chair)
Ralph Gaines (LWT)
Steve Gilbert (RSPB)
Mike Fitt (Royal Parks)
Esther Collis (Project Officer)
Andy Tomczynski (Thames Water)
Alister Hayes (LB Bromley and London Borough Biodiversity Forum)
Richard Bullock (WWT)

Apologies: Anne Homyer (BTCV), Peter Massini (EN), Mike Manuel (British Waterways), Alex Machin (EN), Chris Lee (ALG)

  1. Habitats, Species and Data Management Working Group Report
  2. ACTION: RB to ask Jonathan Briggs (British Waterways) to see if BSBI will lead the Mistletoe Species Action Plan. Whilst the group is grateful for Jonathan’s work on this plan, there is the need for organisational support behind each action plan.

    AT reiterated Thames Water’s standpoint of being unable to lead on local Biodiversity Action Plans.

    ACTION: RB to draft letter to Alastair Driver (Environment Agency), inviting him or a colleague to join the Habitats Working Group.

  3. Communications Working Group Report
  4. EC reported in the absence of Anne Homyer.

    The Partnership’s new strapline is ‘Working Together for Wildlife’.

    The December evening event should have Ken Livingstone to launch the action plans, if possible. ACTION: JF

    The group is working on the Partnership Pledge. JF reported that there is interest from the Civic Forum is getting members to sign up.

  5. London Biological Records Centre Working Group Report
  6. RG reported in the absence of AM. Stated that funding for the records centre needs special attention.

    Borough representation on the group is needed.

    MF reported that the Royal Parks are going to employ an ecologist.

    AH mentioned a Welsh INTERREG bid for record centre funding. Possible link to London.

  7. Management Working Group Report
  8. The main cross-cutting theme is core funding, to be discussed later.

  9. London Borough Biodiversity Forum Report
  10. ACTION: EC to email the national LBAP updates from Charlotte Gault and Alison Barnes to partners.

    Wildlife 2000 officer Ruth Hayhurst produced the summary report ‘A Year on a Page’. ACTION: JF put on website.

    5 London Boroughs have an EU LIFE bid of c£1M in progress to fund biodiversity action officers in each borough, with money for implementation, for 2-3 years. The boroughs are Sutton, Richmond, Bromley, Redbridge and Hounslow … and 2 in Italy. Hopefully this will start in July 2001.

  11. Project Officer Report
  12. The Board thanked EC for her continuing hard work for the Partnership, and in particular towards the success of the Practioners’ Day.

  13. Cross-cutting issues
  14. Core funding for the Partnership was the only major cross-cutting issue.

    SG described the options available. It was agreed that a self-funded Partnership was the only long-term viable solution for core funding. Money is not available from the partners for the next financial year, as it is already allocated.

    There is to be an emergency meeting of the MWG and others to discuss core funding, in light of the decision from the John Elleman Trust (post-meeting note: John Elleman Trust turned down the application and an emergency meeting was held on 8 October. The Partnership is to apply to Esmee Fairbairn Trust and the Environmental Action Fund).

    It was agreed that a business plan that sets out the scenario for the future of the Partnership must be the first priority for next year. The MWG has responsibility for this.

    ACTION: SG contact Charlotte Gault re. England Funding Strategy.

  15. A.O.B.

JF reported that the Mayor’s draft Biodiversity Strategy is now out to consultation.

ACTION: EC to co-ordinate a response on behalf of the Partnership (minus GLA) on the relevant … i.e. BAP … elements of the Strategy.

Next Meeting: 25 March 2002

