
PB Agenda


Project Board


First Business Plan Meeting, 14 May 2002


Andy Tomczynski, Thames Water
Doug Napier, CIP
Dave Mole, London Underground
Anne Homyer, BTCV
Steve Gilbert, RSPB
Jan Hewlett, GLA
James Farrell, GLA
Peter Massini, English Nature
Alister Hayes, LB Bromley
Richard Bullock, WWT
Tony Davies, WWT

1. Purpose

The aim of the first meeting was to define the Partnership's vision.

2. Agreed

·                    The Partnership needs more dedicated staff - there is too much work for one Project Officer

·                    It is not the Project Officer's role to write the business plan, though they will take part in its development

·                    The Partnership is not/will not be an independent organisation - its role is to facilitate.

3. Partnership Aims

The two main aims of the partnership are:

·                    Conserve priority species and habitats

·                    Broaden people's involvement and increase understanding

4. Partnership Objectives

The Partnership has a series of objectives, defined by the Terms of Reference. These are summarised below. Some of these (A) can be coordinated by one Project Officer. Others (B) need additional support.

        I.      Maintain (and produce) BAPs, Coordinate BAP monitoring (A)

     II.      Provide guidance and advice, particularly to working groups and action plan groups (A)

   III.      Maintain the audit (A)

  IV.      Broaden the Partnership (B)

     V.      Promotion to increase involvement and/or understanding (B)

  VI.      Funding (B)

VII.      Link with broader sustainability issues (B)

5. Partnership outputs

The Partnership’s outputs over the next 10 years were identified, leading from work towards the objectives in 4.

These outputs will be refined as a vital part of the business plan, highlighting to individual partners the benefits to their organisation of supporting/belonging to the Partnership.

Maintain (and produce) BAPs, Coordinate BAP monitoring

·                    Delivering UK BAP and London BAP

·                    Partners' mechanism for contributing to sustainable development

·                    Meeting requirements of Community Strategies, England Biodiversity Strategy, Mayor's Biodiversity Strategy, London Plan etc.

Broaden the Partnership

·                    Define targets for the process

·                    Broaden and involve sectors, e.g. business, education at range of levels

·                    Providing added value as a focus for funding (linking partners together for bids, having the ability to apply for funds that require a formal constitution, etc.)

Promotion to increase involvement and/or understanding (link with broader sustainability issues)

·                    Awards, charter mark/standards

·                    Assist compliance

·                    Media involvement/good PR

·                    Increase involvement and understanding within the Partnership

Provide guidance and advice

·                    Effective London Boroughs Biodiversity Forum

·                    Exemplify good practice

·                    Guidance through documents, web

·                    Partnership Fora and workshops

·                    Helping deliver local BAPs

Maintain the audit

·                    Updated audit on the web

·                    Source of information for London Biodiversity Records Centre


·                    Secure a sustainable source of core funding

·                    Deliver a funding strategy for the action plans

·                    Proactively seek project funds and find appropriate new projects

6. Staffing

As a result of the objectives identified in 4., it was agreed that 3 posts were needed, covering:

·                    Management and facilitation of the Partnership - to include a role in identifying funding

·                    Communications/PR/Marketing

·                    Administration

The Project Officer soon to be appointed should concentrate on:

·                    Facilitation of BAPs and their Working Groups

·                    Providing/coordinting advice to boroughs, working with London Boroughs Biodiversity Forum

·                    Providing contacts

7. Timeline for the business plan & Actions


Meeting 1

identify aims, objectives & outputs


write up (JF)


invite Greg Smith to next meeting (PM)


14 June

Send comments on write up to James (ALL)


23 July

Meeting 2

2pm English Nature

fit staffing needs to outputs

identify resource requirements

identify available core £ sources

11 September

Meeting 3

timing of staffing

location of posts etc.


Produce draft business plan




produce second draft

5 November

Meeting 4

Agree second draft business plan


Final consultation with full Partnership






A new era?

