
Terms of Reference
CWG mins 08/05/01
CWG mins 19/06/02
CWG mins 08/10/02
CWG mins 25/02/03

CWG mins 09/03/03
CWG mins 21/07/03
CWG mins 13/11/03



Communications Working Group



Minutes from meeting Monday 21st of July 2003


Richard Barnes (RB). LB Sutton & LBBF

Rachel Cook. Conservation Officer (English Nature)

William Moreno. Project Officer (LBP)

James Farrell (JF). GLA

Ben Cotterill (BC). Web Designer

Jenny Stratford (JS). TEP

Claire Percy (CP). LWT

Apologies: Adrian Thomas (RSPB), Jo Birkerstaff (BTCV)

Summary of Actions

1. All communications generic actions have to be revised as we have reached our objectives. WM to send to the rest of the group Anne Homlyer's final report to the Project Board so the group can evaluate progress made and develop new measurable targets.

2. Group to produce new Terms of Reference at the next meeting

3. WM to ask all HAPs & SAPs lead for any media coverage that they may had in the past.

4. WM to produce and distribute to the rest of the group a press release template.

5. RC offered to revise the press guidelines for WM to circulate (along with press release template) to all HAPs & SAPs leads.

6. Group decided that in the future it would be good to have all the communications related advice collected in one CD ROM for leads to refer to and use.

7. WM to produce electronic bulletin and circulate to the wider partnership every three months. The bulletin should include the latest leads contact details.

8. BC to produce a dummy website homepage for group for comments.

Date of Next meeting October 03 London Wildlife Turst


