CWG mins 08/05/01
CWG mins 19/06/02
CWG mins 08/10/02
CWG mins 25/02/03

CWG mins 09/03/03



Communications Working Group


8th May 2001



Emma Robertshaw ‚ LWT
Karen Kemmis- Betty ‚ LWT
Anne Homyer- BTCV
Anne ‚ Malville- BTCV
Alex Machin ‚ EN
Esther Collis ‚ LBP


Malcolm Whitehead- WWT
Julie Brownbridge ‚ GLA


3. Partnership update

EC outlined the new structure for the Partnership and the meetings timetable

4. Review of last yearˆs work

Last year the group produced the Partnerships communications guidelines and a small sub group helped with event planning

No communication strategy was put together, generally found it difficult to get consensus over communication issues.

5. The Way Forward

General discussion about role of group. There is a need to redefine the purpose of the group now that the first round of action plans have been published.

Three key roles were identified:

  1. Provide communication advice for action plan partners e.g. guidelines for press releases, interpretation materials, events etc
  2. Provide support and advice in developing BAP related materials
  3. Act as reference point for communication materials

Communication Action Plan for coming year

Identify all communication actions for each habitat and species action plans and contact action plan leads re advice available - Action EC
Draw up communication timetable so advice can be given on communication actions ‚ Action EC


Identify all research actions and send list to Universities ‚ Action AM
Update communications guidelines to include press release and interpretation guidelines ‚ Action ER
Develop a BAP publications library ‚ reference list to be circulated to partnership ‚ Action AM


New caption for logo to be developed ‚ Action All
Design a supporters Pledge- to be developed at next meeting
Marketing & Branding issues- to be developed at next meeting

Partnership events

EC outlined the coming events for the year. There is a Partnership forum event planned for July. The focus is on the partnership and implementing the action plans. There will also be an AGM in December.

General discussion about aim of day and the need for a communication workshop- EC to provide further details on forum event.

6. Chair for the Group

Chris Skinner (RSPB) has now stepped down as chair. Ann Homyer has now takes her places as the new chair for the communications working group


Date of next meeting

13 th June 10.00am at BTCV
