
Communications group 140300
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Communications Topic Group

6 September 2000


James Farrell,
Julie Brownbridge (GLA)
Ruth Hayhurst (Wildlife 2000)
Alister Hayes (LB Bromley)
Tamsin Maunder (LWT)
Chris Skinner (RSPB).

Apologies: John Cotton, Helen Bovary (BCTV), Karen Kemmis-Betty, Malcolm Whitehead, Valerie Woodifield (Countryside Agency).


The launch

Date: to be set by James when he finds out what Ken Livingstone's diary looks like. (Ken to formally launch volume 2 of LBAP).

Style of Event: Participative workshops, with skilled facilitators. Short presentations to stimulate thought in workshops. Audience to be composed 50% of biodiversity workers and 50% of folk who would not normally consider biodiversity to be their main concern. Workshop groups to be derived from this mix, to ensure cross-fertilization of ideas, and hopefully, to facilitate new partnerships.

Aim of event: To explore ways in which Londoner's lives and biodiversity are linked - and to provide a stimulus for future work.

Objectives: To involve decision-makers and community leaders from varied walks of life;

To raise awareness of biodiversity in London and the work of the partnership amongst the audience (and thereby among other non-conservation audiences/sectors);
To To promote effective methods of forging such links and establish new ways of working;
To highlight the need for greater community representation in nature conservation decision-making;
To launch the London Biodiversity Action Plan.

Desired Outcomes:

Increased awareness and interest in the value of biodiversity among our audience; Increased awareness of how delegates can involve Londoners in conserving London's biodiversity; Delegates working together to make agreements for future actions.

Structure of Event

This depends on Ken Livingstone's availability. An event along the lines of:

Introduction - reason for day is to launch LBAP2, recognising that biodiversity is everyone's concern.

Short Presentations - by a few folk who have had a go at trying to get this message across by involving others.

Recap of presentations to consider whether any general points can be made about the various approaches presented.

Question time, task - setting for afternoon, opportunity for looking at posters and art displays, etc.

Lunch with wine - to facilitate happy networking!

Afternoon session: Workshops - groups to be set a challenge "How do we communicate/involve people with conserving their biodiversity?" (or something along these lines). Workshops to be facilitated, rapporteurs to be chosen.

Plenary session: possible solutions presented, agreements as to next steps (individually and as groups) discussed.

At some time during the day, probably during the morning introduction, LBAP2 will be launched.


James is trying to ensure an "All walks of life" guest list. Please e-mail any suggestions, with contact details, to him. A capacity audience of 100 is our aim. Venue to be decided.


Other Business:

Stag Beetles - Alister has applied for funding from EN for a stag beetle display. If successful in his bid, will make the display available for the launch of LBAP2.

Ruth's Trash Sculpture Event - please pass invite on to anyone else who might be interested.

Action Points:

James to sort attendance list for launch - please e-mail any suggestions to him.

Venues - any ideas to James also please. The London Aquarium has been approached, but not available for a whole-day event.


This to be resolved by next meeting. Please bring contact details of any folk who you think would be suitable. James will contact Ken Livingstone.



Tuesday 3 October, 0930 @ GLA, Marsham Street.
