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Management Working Group minutes

12 June 2001

25 September 2001
04 March 2003
22 July 2003
Agenda 4 September 2003
04 September 2003
22 October 2003
03 February 2004

Minutes of October 22, 2003
London Wildlife Trust Offices 2.00 pm

James Farrell - Greater London Authority
Peter Massini - English Nature
William Moreno - London Biodiversity Partnership
Jenny Scholfield - London Wildlife Trust (chair and notetaker)
Tim Chapple - Thames Estuary Partnership
Andrew Bedford - LBBF


1. Development process

Two very different specifications from consultants had been returned as a result of initial contact and an outline brief for the development process / business plan production for LBP.
It was agreed that a more precise brief was now a priority, ensuring that consultation with stakeholders was an important part of the process to identify shared vision, and a future structure of governance that would have consensus with the partners.

Action: Will to put together draft consultants brief - to be then sent out to all members of the management group for finalising. Pack of relevant documents would also be sent out to consultants.

2. Funding strategy and management working group
It was agreed at the last project board meeting that LBP funding issues would be covered in the business of the management working group. There was some discussion about the need for LBP project management guidelines for all partners, that would compliment existing media and communications guidelines. These would be particularly relevant for large projects.

Action: Jenny to report to next project board our draft principles for project management of large LBP projects

The group agreed that Jan Hewlett should become a member of the management working group. The group agreed that a funding audit would be useful to identify precise funding opportunities and timetables for funding applications. Jans time that she has been allocated by the Greater London Authority to meet funders would achieve this. Some prioritisation of LBP funding needs may be appropriate in the near future to ensure that limited matchfunding resources are also targetted and timetabled. A consensus on the need and identification of priorities could be part of the development process.

It was also agreed that Jan would consult with relevant NGO partners before meeting specific funding bodies - to give individual partners the opportunity to discuss existing or emerging projects where relationship with these funders may be significant.

3. AOB
Membership of the group - Jenny to contact GOL to see if replacement for Jeremy was available. Also to contact Chris Lee at ALG who had not attended last 2 meetings.
regional biodiversity chairs forum - the next one is in December in London. Will to liaise with DEFRA rep.
action plan leads meeting - agreed not to have one until next year.
review of Generic actions in the London BAP - funding actions need reviewing. Agreed that Jan and Jenny would draft new action. James noted that there may be new generic actions emerging as a result of the ongoing 3 year review. eg training
GLA sponsorship team - Jan in contact with this team, and it was agreed that she should pursue opportunities to work with this team, and report back any potential projects to the management working group.
BARs - group agreed that we did not have resources currently to pilot the latest trial software.

4. date of next meeting
Wednesday 19th November 2003 2.30am LWT office.

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