Management Working Group

12 June 2001
25 September 2001
04 March 2003
22 July 2003
Agenda 4 September
04 September 2003
22 October 2003
03 February 2004
Minutes of September 04, 2003
London Wildlife Trust offices 2.00 pm
James Farrell - Greater London Authority
Peter Massini - English Nature
William Moreno - London Biodiversity Partnership
Jenny Scholfield - London Wildlife Trust (chair and notetaker)
Tim Chapple - Thames Estuary Partnership
Andrew Bedford - LBBF
1. LBP / London Biodiversity Records Centre consultants
The management group approved the recommendations of the recent
report (ref. "LBP and LBRC Working Together" Biodiversity
Solutions August 2003). It was agreed that a joint statement
from the Management Working Group / Business Plan Group and
the Records centre working group would be sent out to all
partners with a summarised breakdown of the 'next steps' for
development of each initiative.
It was agreed that a development plan is now a priority for
the LBP partnership, which would then identify priorities
and actions for a business plan. Proposed timetable would
be end of January for completion of development plan, ideally
using the winter gathering of the partnership as an opportunity
for detailed consultation.
Action: Will to coordinate joint statement
and sent out to partners. Also to contact relevant consultants
to get specification and costs for development plan process.
2. Champions of Biodiversity
English Nature and GLA have both allocated funding for this
project for this financial year. However considering the current
priority for a development plan for the partnership, it was
agreed to include in the development process a requirement
to consult with the business sector. This will hopefully clarify
and aid future Biodiversity Champions project. Both EN and
GLA contributions to Biodiversity Champions project would
be targetted at this element of the development plan process.
Action: Will to include in specification
for development plan process a brief for consultation with
London's corporate sector.
3. LBP Website
Will gave update to group on the work carried out on design
of website.
Action: Will to forward layout options to
Communications Working Group, Sam Willetts at English Nature
and James Farrell, and co-ordinate feedback.
4. AOB
Jan Hewlett has recently distributed funding strategy to a
number of partner contacts. Next steps not yet clarified.
The role of a future funding working group will be on agenda
of next LBP project board meeting (October 10th), and once
function of group agreed by project board then how funding
strategy is used by partners should also be clarified.
Action: Jan to co-ordinate proposal for funding
working group.
I t was noted that 3 year review of generic actions needs
to be included in HAP and SAP review. Also need to ensure
that methodology of review of all SAPs and HAPs includes an
agreed standard of consultation.
Action: Will to send out reminder to leads
of all generic actions. Will to also check previous guidelines
for SAP and HAP lead contacts, and coordinate with Habitats,
Species and Data group on additional methodology for this
years review.
Date of next meeting Wednesday 1st October 2003 10.30am LWT

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