1. Welcome and Introduction
James Farrell welcomed everyone to the meeting, in particular
those attending for the first time: Jonathan Briggs, Alex Coln,
Mel Lloyd, Sarah Jennings, Chris Skinner, Emily Spearman, Sam
Turney, Nigel Greenhalgh.
2. Apologies
Apologies were received from Jane Carlsen (GLA), Richard Barnes
(WWT), Mike Manuel (British Waterways), Tim Hill (LVRPA), Jennifer
Adams (Royal Parks), Alison Manning (PLA).
- Election of Chair of Steering Group
JF reported that only one nomination had been received for
chair … Prof. David Goode. DG was formally proposed by Leo Batten
and seconded by Mike Fitt. David Goode was therefore elected
as Chair of the London Biodiversity Partnership Steering Group,
to be reviewed January 2002 (see Item 9, Recommendation 4).
- Chairås Address
DG reported that he was pleased to have been nominated by the
Mayor and happy to take on the role of chair for another term.
The Steering Group and London Biodiversity Partnership are key
implementers of the Mayorås Biodiversity Strategy.
- Minutes of the Last Meeting (2 February 2000)
- Matters Arising
LB stated that the published Audit had failed to take into account
substantial comments he and others made. JF to investigate. Action
Action Points:
Involvement of the Environment Agency. David Goode was
to have written to the EA, encouraging their involvement throughout
the action planning process. DG will continue to encourage this.
Action DG
- Report of the Communications Topic Group
Chris Skinner is now the chair of the Group as Patrick Wilson
(BTCV) stood down on 29 June. The Topic Group had a revitalised
membership and was meeting monthly.
CS presented the reports of the meetings held on 14 March,
6 April, 18 May & 29 June. She tabled the Topic Groupås
'Communication Planning Guidelineså, aimed at the initial contacts
and Leads for the Habitat and Species Action Plans.
CS stated that these Guidelines are to be supplemented by a
Communications Strategy for the Partnership, to be published
in December with Volume 2 of the London Biodiversity Action
LB felt that Local Authorities were under-represented in the
Guidelines under 'Target Audienceså. CS to add in the 'Decision
makers on the local environmentå section. Action CS
LB also highlighted the need for a funding strategy for communications
actions. CS to discuss this with the Topic Group. Action
- Report from Habitats, Species and Data Topic Group (HS&D
Mathew Frith presented the report. He pointed out that HS&DTG
meetings were held on 29 February and 19 June, not 21 June as
stated in the report. He stated that he will be standing down
as chair in August and that English Nature will be asked to
nominate a chair.
LB expressed concerns over the focus of the Exotic Species
paper the Group is preparing. MF stated that the paper will
be an even-handed look at the value of exotic, introduced species
in London … recognising their cultural importance whilst noting
those which may be invasive.
JF stated that this paper will form a chapter in Volume 2 of
the Action Plan and therefore will need to be endorsed by the
Steering Group.
DG stressed the need to consult and involve sections of London
society so far not represented on the Partnership.
- Report of Project Board
Niall Machin presented the written report of the last meeting
(4 July 2000). There were 4 recommendations.
- That the wasteland action plan is put back into next year's
round of plan production and that a wasteland statement is produced
in December 2000. Agreed.
- That the Steering Group endorses the proposal for a December
event that has the 'links between culture and nature' as a central
theme. The launch of Volume 2 of the Action Plan should be an
element of the event. Agreed.
- The Steering Group request that the Project Board produce
an options paper covering the coming year, to be produced for
the October Steering Group meeting. Agreed.
- Chair of the Steering Group is reviewed every 2 years, Chairs
of Topic Groups and Project Board every year. Agreed.
It was also agreed that Dr Dave Dawson, Strategy Manager of Biodiversity,
Greater London Authority, should attend Steering Group meetings
in future.
- Project Officerås Report
The Project Officer presented his report. He asked the Partners
to send in their e-mail addresses to make future correspondence
Andy Tomczynski asked if the website could record the number
of hits it receives. Action JF
LB asked how many borough Biodiversity Action Plan partnerships
there were. JF replied that 16 boroughs presently had partnerships.
A table summarising their status is available from JF.
DG pointed out that the ALG could play in role in encouraging
boroughs to form partnerships and produce and implement local
Biodiversity Action Plans.
- Financial Report
JF presented the financial report. Two consultancy budgets
have been defined and the report presented is accurate.
- Greater London Authority Report
DG circulated a draft timetable for the GLAås Strategies. The
draft deadline for the Biodiversity Strategy is 7 July although
this may change. DG then discussed the GLAås current position
and mentioned other new initiatives, as follows.
Biodiversity needs to be raised up the political agenda, as
an essential part of our quality of life. In addition to consultation
over the Strategies, a series of Commissions will be set up
to consult the public. These Commissions must reflect Londonås
social makeup and will produce findings to inform the Mayorås
Prospectus, to be published in November at a key conference.
The aim of this work is to set a long-term agenda for work in
London and the Partnership should therefore try to be involved,
potentially through the Environment Commission.
DG sees the Biodiversity Strategy being distinct from and more
broad-based than the Partnershipås Biodiversity Action Plan.
However, the Biodiversity Action Plan must form an integral
part of the Strategy.
DG stated that the Mayor has agreed that the GLA has formally
joined the Partnership. The GLA will also adopt London Ecology
Unitås SINC Site Series and their criteria for selection.
- London Borough Biodiversity Forum (LBBF)
Alister Hayes presented the LBBF Terms of Reference and described
progress so far. All four 'sectorså have met twice to date and
will be represented on the Steering Group by four 'Sector Repså.
AH stated that detailed information is being collected from
the boroughs on their biodiversity process, or lack of, and
that an annual conference is planned to share issues across
all boroughs together. AH has also been approached by the ALG
to brief them on the role of the LBBF. The LBBF may also link
with the Commissions and be a mechanism for the Mayor to consult
the boroughs on the Biodiversity Strategy.
- British Waterways
Jonathan Briggs tabled British Waterwayså new biodiversity
documents 'British Waterways and Biodiversity … A Framework
for Waterway Wildlife Strategies.å It is to inform and encourage
local British Waterways Biodiversity Action Plans, of which
London is an example.
- A.O.B.
Sam Turney stated that Railtrackås East Anglian region is presently
piloting a Biodiversity Action Plan for the company.
Mike Fitt tabled the Royal Parkså 'Biological Recording in
the Royal Parkså document. The programme will be trialed for
a year and covers anecdotal as well as biological recording.
- Date of Next Meeting
2.30 pm, 9 October 2000. Greater London Authority, Romney House,
Marsham St, London SW1P 3PY.