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Steering Group Minutes

2 February 2000

At the Conference Room, LPAC


David Goode (chair)
Leo Batten
Richard Bullock (WWT)
Caroline Davis (Thames Estuary Partnership)
Ruth Day (LNHS)
Giles Dolphin (LPAC)
James Farrell (LBP Project Officer)
Mike Fitt (Royal Parks)
Steve Gilbert (RSPB)

Ralph Gaines (LWT)
Alister Hayes (LB Bromley)
Niall Machin (LEU)
Alison Manning (PLA)
Ian Mather (BTCV)
David Mole (London Underground)
Iain Notman (GOL)
Paul Sinnadurai (EN)
Andy Tomczynski (Thames Water)

1. Chairs Welcome and Introduction

David Goode welcomed everyone to the meeting especially new representatives Caroline Davis and Ian Mather. It was noted that Chris Skinner would be replacing Steve Gilbert in future meetings of the Steering Group.

2. Apologies

Apologies were received from Tim Hill (LVRPA), Jeremy Dagley (Corporation of London) and Mike Manuel (British Waterways).

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting (10 November 1999)

Ruth Day wished to correct Item 8 … it was her intention to talk to the Habitats, Species and Data Topic Group about site definitions, not Intellectual Property Rights.

4. Matters Arising and Action Points

No matters arising.

Action Points:

Involvement of the Environment Agency. David Goode was to have written to the EA, encouraging their involvement throughout the action planning process. Caroline Davis stated that she had written to EA and will share her findings with David Goode. Action CD

5. Report of the Communications Topic Group

In the absence of Paul Outhwaite, Steve Gilbert presented the written report of the last meeting (17 November 1999).

6. Report from Habitats, Species and Data Topic Group (HS&D TG)

Paul Sinnadurai presented the written report of the last meeting (8 December 1999). He described the process of prioritising habitats and species. The list of Species Action Plans and Statements presented to the Steering Group is based on habitat affinity and specialist requirements. Lists of initial contacts for the plans have been drawn up.

Paul Sinnadurai pointed out the need for increased support for the Project Officer, which should come from the Topic Group and the Partnership as a whole. There is a September deadline for draft Action Plans. He pointed out the great expectation on the Partnership now that the Audit was published.

Paul Sinnadurai suggested that the Partners feed ideas for Action Plan facilitators/support and other resources to the Project Officer. Action All

Alister Hayes suggested that the boroughs could provide venues for the Action Plan workshops/meetings.

Ruth Day pointed out that some meetings would have to be held in the evenings so all could attend.

7. Report of Project Board

Niall Machin presented the written report of the last meeting (18 January 1999). There were 3 recommendations.

    1. This recommendation was approved with a slight amendment. 'That the Communications Topic Group has the authority to act on media, promotional and educational opportunities without the need for Steering Group approval, via liaison with the Project Officer and/or relevant members of the Partnership.å
    2. The proposed list of species and 'first round habitatså was approved, with the addition of house sparrow to the Species Action Plans.
    3. The Project Officer was given endorsement to progress the creation of a Partnership website.

Niall Machin congratulated the Project Officer on a successful launch event. He described the need to apply for a further yearås funding from the Bridge House Estates Trust Fund.

Alister Hayes described progress on the London Borough Biodiversity Forum. Each of the 4 sectors planned to meet before April 2000, and each could send a representative to Steering Group meetings. There could also be an annual meeting of all officers on the Forum.

David Goode welcomed borough representation and it was agreed that the 4 representatives would attend in future.

  1. Project Officerås Report

The Project Officer presented his report and called for Partners to publicise the Audit and other work through in-house publications.

9. Financial Report

David Goode asked for the submitted financial report to record Partnership income more clearly. Action JF

10. A Partnership Website

See 7iii.

11. Cracking the Cultural Code … A consultation paper

Alister Hayes presented this consultation paper, drafted with Mathew Frith of London Wildlife Trust. It arose from comments made by the Partnership and at the London Biodiversity Conference. The paper was not intended to be a criticism of the Partnershipås work but rather a stimulus for a more holistic approach and wider Partnership.

There was a general discussion which raised the need to find new ways of promoting conservation to the public, perhaps involving a more professional marketing push. Case studies were felt to be important and the value of promoting current work was raised. Links were made to the future work of the GLA and its functional bodies.

Alister Hayes agreed to progress the cultural links paper with others including Ian Mather.

  1. A.O.B.
  2. Leo Batten pointed out that his comments on the Audit were not in the final version. James Farrell to check which version was published. Action JF.

    Mike Fitt mentioned the forthcoming declaration of Richmond Park National Nature Reserve on 14 May.

    David Goode thanked Paul Sinnadurai for all his work in the Partnership and wished him well in his new job.

  3. Date of Next Meeting

To be decided.

Amended Financial Report

London Biodiversity Partnership Accounts 1.1.99 … 31.12.99





Additional income

Railtrack contribution



£ .00






Salaries of Staff



General Running costs










Total Unspent Grant

£ 5070.44

Note that the Bridge House Estates Trust Fund financial year is a calendar year. They agreed that £2469 could be carried over into the next yearås budget (31.12.99 onwards).
