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Steering Group 101199
Steering Group 020200
Steering Group 140700
Steering Group 091000
Steering Group 070201
Project Board 080999
Project Board 030500
Project Board 040700
Project Board 180800
Project Board 021000
Project Board 020201
Habitats Group 290200
Habitats Group 040900
Habitats Group
Communications group 140300
Communications group 180500
Communications group 290600
Communications group 150800
Communications group 060900
Communications group 131000

Communications Topic Group

15 August 2000

Greater London Authority

Chris Skinner, RSPB (chair)
Karen Kemmis-Betty, LWT
Ruth Hayhurst, Wildlife 2000
James Farrell, London Biodiversity Partnership
Julie Brownbridge, GLA

  1. Apologies
  2. Tamsin Maunder, LWT.

  3. Minutes Agreed
  4. Matters arising

Communication guidelines: have been sent to all boroughs and members of S/HAP working groups.

Chris reported on the steering groups comments:

Should have included local government on target list
Felt that this group should be involved in fund-raising. ‘This group’ felt rather that a sub-group should be set up when the time is ripe.
Steering group wanted this group to decide on which definition of biodiversity applies to the work of the partnership. Again ‘this group’ disagreed. Concluded that definition should be left vague but tightened up for particular events/publications to avoid confusion.

Karen commented that the examples cited as case study 4 are in the wrong place and that it’s Wildlife Watch not WATCH now.

4.    Action Plan progress

    All wkg gps have met except house sparrow, heron & mistletoe. James estimates will have 90% of action plans in time, some as drafts. Wastelands has become a statement now and peregrines a plan. Members of the communications group will receive copies of all of them for comments. Chris will work on some terms of reference to give us all appropriate filters.

5.    English Nature People and Wildlife Funding Opportunities

    £15,000 is available for London. Emergency meeting of Project Board on Friday will make application. Probably for stag beetle leaflet, website development and conference funding.

6.    December Culture & Nature Conference

    James prepared a discussion paper which was much discussed. Initially Chris and Julie got excited about a biodiversity fair in a central park but concluded there isn’t enough time and December is the wrong time of the year. However this could be the first in a series of events and something may be possible next summer. I’ve tried to summarise the decisions so far in attached paper (which could be circulated to additional people whose input we want at the next meeting).

7.    Communication Strategy/Action Plan

Chris asked for clarification on why we need one. James replied:

Where we want to be in 5 years (partners decide)
Strategic juggling of communications action
To draw in more partners.

Date of next meeting






When communications guidelines updated, remember to add comments (italicised) in 3.




Read the draft communications guidelines closely and e-mail comments to James


Provide comments on SAPs and HAPs to be circulated soon after 15/9


Prepare terms of reference to aid above task.


Ideas on other items for EN funding (see item 5)

All to James by this Friday (18) URGENT

Sound out potential contributors to December event (see list attached)


Talk to GLA’s Culture Strategy person


Invite to next meeting:
Eno Amooquaye, Carolyn Harrison
Thrive, Jeff Higley, Doug Gleave, Helen Bovey
A sympathetic tourism contact
Anyone else who might be helpful



The (culture and nature) December Event

draft structure so far (following 15/8 discussion)

Title: Missing Links is the only suggestion so far. Cross-sector Carrot Cake?

Recipe: the event will bring together biodiversity decision-makers (to be invited by borough biodiversity sector reps i.e. from NW, NE, SE, SW London) and decision-makers in arts, health, tourism and community development sectors, in roughly equal proportions.

What sort of bread will we end up with?:


Tourism, arts, health and ethnic community development workers will know more about (and now be interested in) biodiversity.
Biodiversity workers will have more fully realised the importance of community outreach in fulfilling the objectives of their own work.
Some potential joint projects will have been mooted and new links identified (formalised at the end as pledges – to be followed up and monitored).

The Doughy Day

Introductory session in which the non-plussed health etc workers are briefly inducted in all things biodiversity (and vice versa shouldn’t it be?). Perhaps a huge food web-type game (with cotton thread) showing interdependency of life. Followed by a quick launch of Volume II?
Lots of short 10-20 minute presentations (as many as possible in an interactive format) illustrating case studies of health/arts/tourism/community development projects which have had a biodiversity element. Perhaps there could be 5 repeat performances of each one to allow smaller audiences???
Followed by time for questions then LUNCH.
Participants split into 4-5 one hour ‘discussion groups’ (no choice about which one) with skilled facilitators (may use community development games to prompt ideas) to work together on a (pre-set task?)/problem of how to forge the desired new links/how we can benefit from each others work.
Brief presentations to summarise findings of discussion groups.
Plenary – pledges (in a paper chain?) and summing up.

The Soggy Souffle?

Will any arts, tourism, health, community development workers want to come?

The secret ingredient?

Invite sympathetic (to biodiversity) representatives of each sector to come to our next meeting to help us plan the event and advise us on how to attract participants. Meanwhile we all need to be researching current projects and sounding out potential presenters (some listed below) for the morning.

Possible presentations mentioned so far:

Combination Dance


Kitchen Studios (sculpture from scrap)




Body Shop


Thrive, friendly health person, Lucy at Hounslow?


Adam Brown/BEN


BTCV (Aberfeldy Estate)




Tourism – has EA contacted river boat operators re inc of biodiversity??


Kew Gardens


Adam Ingleby, Biodiversity Officer, Westmin


British Lung Foundation


London Walking Forum


Chumleigh Gardens – 11 nov 99 Food for Thought. Working lunch. Healthcare pros, environmentalists and artists. Talk by Malcolm Rigler (psychologist) – psychological health. Social workers, teachers, occupational therapy, env artists. Kate Miller, Community Projects Co-ordinator 020 7277 4297




Pond Doctor



London Biodiversity Partnership c/o Strategy Directorate, GLA, A409 Romney House, Marsham St, London SW1P 3PY
© London Biodiversity Partnership 2001     [email protected]