Photo © Mathew Frith |
London Boroughs Biodiversity
agendas and minutes

01 November 2002
Agenda 21 March 2003
21 March 2003
Agenda 18 July
Agenda of March 21, 2003
Association of London Government
36 Old Queen Street.
Andrew Bedford (Chair) AB
Kay Pollaris (LB Tower Hamlets) KP
Stephania Horne (LB Redbridge) SH
Mike Brain (LB Bexley) MB
Mike Waite (GLA) MK
Mary-Claire Edwards (RB Kingston-upon-Thames) ME
Emma Banthorpe (LB Hammersmith & Fulham) EB
Emily Raynolds (LB Wandsworth) ER
Gaye Galvin (LB Camden) GG
Sue Gough (British Trust for Ornithology) SG
Keith Noble (RSPB SE England) KN
Filipe (Trainee, Brent Parks Service) F
William Moreno (London Biodiversity Partnership) WM
Sarah Sing (LB Hillingdon) SS
Richard Barns (LB Sutton) RB
Alister Hayes (LB of Bromley & vice-chair) AH
Mike Fitt, Nick Ely and Lesley Williams
New Structure
AB explained the new structure for the LBBF (four new vice-chairs
to be present at key LBP's working group meetings). No comments
were made about the new arrangement. AB thanked Alister Hayes
for the job done over the years.
BTO - London Bird Survey (Sue Gough from the BTO)
SG talked about the extent of the BTO's survey, SG can be
contacted on [email protected] for more information about
the project and to obtain copies of the biannual newsletter
for observers.
London House Sparrow Update (Keith Noble, RSPB)
RSPB is planing to erect nest boxes for house sparrows across
Greater London so that the occupants can be studied in detail.
They want to involve RSPB members, volunteers and other organisations,
the costs could be shared among the participating organisations
and they foresee benefits in education, publicity and partnership
building. KN would like the LBs to take active part in the
project, specially the ones with related SAPs, and offered
full support for those interested in joining the scheme. There
are plans to incorporate the scheme to the LBP's funding strategy
to seek alternative sources of funding. KN will be distributing
a more developed idea in due course. There was a general feeling
that the LB's would like to participate.
KN also offered to provide more information about the Wildlife
for all 'Birds are Brilliant' project and the National House
Sparrow project and could distribute recorder forms on request.
Contact KN on [email protected]
London Biodiversity Partnership Business Plan
WM gave a brief update on the plan progress and pointed out
that after a second round of consultations the working group
intents to publish the document in September 2003. RB mentioned
that the Plan should be "sold" to the borough's
Chief Executives and that the issue of funding should be discussed
at the Mayor's Biodiversity Forum.
Records Centre
After a long debate on the possible role to be played by the
records centre some to the forum members felt that more needs
to be known about the centre's real benefits and that the
GLA should contribute financially towards its establishment.
SH explained the Service Level Agreement process and pointed
out that it was a good system as it could be renewed annually,
she also mentioned that the boroughs are under legal obligation
to handle ecological information. MW suggested establishing
a grant aid scheme in order to kick-start the centre and prove
that it could work. Some forum members questioned the centre's
potential contribution to the planning process, AH pointed
out that the boroughs need a centre and that without their
support it may never happen. AH also mentioned that is essential
that the LBP establish and manage the centre.
Borough Updates
AB asked for positive and negative updates.
Hillingdon: SS introduced herself, so far they haven't come
across any major challenges as their BAP development process
just started.
Redbridge: They are creating a wildflower
meadow and a successful tree-training scheme is under way.
On the negative side, SH mentioned that the Farmland HAP is
not going so well as some of the participants see the FWAG
not viable for them.
Islington: A good garden survey is under way and it may be
expanded across the borough.
Merton: They've managed to secure further
funding but at the same time the conservation staff has been
reduced. The Community Strategy has been drafted without consulting
the conservation team. Kingston: The council has agreed to
designate a 45-hectare hay meadow site after 15 years of pressure.
Camden: Successful launch of Swift website and several sites
are planned to be designated. LBAP implementation is proving
Sutton: An Ecological Centre Manager has
been appointed and EN has provided funds for a Wild Spaces
Officer, a BAP officer could be appointed for a year. Departmental
reorganisation has affected the ecology team.
Hammersmith & Fulham: They have obtained
funding for a Nature Conservation Manager and the LBAP development
process has started with the establishment of a partnership.
Draft document should be produced by April.
Bexley: Private gardens pack has been produced.
Departmental reorganisation has affected the ecology team
and the community strategy was not widely consulted.
Tower Hamlets: A draft LBAP was successfully
launched. The planning department lacks enthusiasm.
Bromley: Surveys have continued and a new
Urban HAP has been developed. The Woodland Trust recently
acquired a new reserve in the area.
Brent: Update for the UK BAP.
Islington: Partnership has been established
and a Built Environment HAP is being developed. At the moment
they are having bad relations with the park contractors.
Dates for the diary; Londoners Wildlife Gardening Fair at
the Natural History Museum, 28th of June. Grey Heron Day 5th
of April and the Mayor's Biodiversity Strategy on the 28th
of March.
The GLA will shortly send a letter to all the boroughs asking
to update their contact details. The BBC program 'Wildlife
on your Park' is asking for locations. MB mentioned that there
are too many surveys taking place (like the BTO) and suggested
that the LBP website could advertise such events. AB asked
forum members to provide ideas for talks.
Next meeting, 18th of July 2pm ALG

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