Photo © Mathew Frith |
Biodiversity Records
Centre Working Group minutes

17 October 2002
14 May 2003
Minutes of May 14, 2003
English Nature
Mandy Rudd (LWT) MR
Jenny Scholfield (LWT) JS
Observer Anne Chipchase (LNHS) AC
John Archer (GLA) JA
William Moreno (LBP) WM
Chris Lee (LDA) CL. Representative of the LBP's Business Plan
Working Group.
Sam Willits, (EN) SW.
Chair Valery Selby (LBBF)
VS Alister Hayes (LB Bromley)
1. Apologies
Chris Catling EA
2. Last Meeting Minutes
3. Response to Boroughs' Consultation
SW went over the feedback received from L Boroughs; 22 responses
3 still to come. The group agreed that some of the 'maybe'
responses could be turned to 'definitely' if proactive informative
approach was acquire by the group. ·
JA suggested going out to raise more money for the development
phase and that the LDA will be running schemes soon. He also
pointed out that a clear output i.e. education/training should
be included in the bid to the LDA.
AH raise the question of "other" founders such as
EN, following the national example and that more pressure
should be applied in order to obtain the funds.
SW pointed out that EN would be able to provide some funds.
VS mentioned that EN contribution could be seen as an incentive
by the Boroughs.
ACTION: SW to raise question of fund to senior EN management.
JA asked for a briefing to be presented to the Mayor for funds.
MR and SW to produce brief.
CL pointed out that the LBRC needs to be marketed better to
attract the boroughs and diversify funding streams. CL prepared
to put an internal bid to the ALG.
4. LBRC and the London Biodiversity Partnership Business
A lengthy discussion took place on the benefits/disadvantages
for the LBRC to be place within the LBP structure.
ACTION: Group to find out if NBN will accredited LBRC if operating
within LBP. There is a need for an appraisal of options. Added
value of operating within the LBP needs to be shown. It was
decided to commission an independent consultant to look into
these issues and a decision would be taken upon consultation
5. Terms of reference and membership
Approval of working group guidelines pending. Group decided
to wait until the LBP-LBRC relationship is clarified.
6. AOB
SW is standing down as WG Chair, JA will be taking over. Thanks
Sam, job well done!!

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