
Generic Action

Chalk Grassland
Acid Grassland
Tidal Thames
Private Gardens
Parks & Squares
Water Vole
Grey Heron
Peregrine Falcon
Sand Martin
Black Redstart
House Sparrow
Stag Beetle
Tower Mustard
Black Poplar

Private Gardens
House Martin
Humble Bumble
Exotic Flora
Communication -
Planning Guides

Foreword & Introduction PDF Species Action Plans s
Generic Action s Round 1 s
The Generic Action: Introduction PDF Bats PDF
1. Site management Water Vole PDF
2. Habitat protection Grey Heron PDF
3. Species protection Peregrine PDF
4. Ecological Monitoring Sand Martin PDF
5. Biological records Black Redstart PDF
6. Communications House Sparrow PDF
7. Funding Stag Beetle PDF
s s Tower Mustard PDF
Habitat Action Plans s Mistletoe PDF
Round 1 s Round 2
Woodland Habitat Action Plan PDF Reptiles PDF
Chalk Grassland Habitat Action Plan PDF Black Poplar PDF
Heathland Habitat Action Plan PDF s s
Wasteland Habitat Action Plan PDF Statements s
Round 2 s Private Gardens PDF
Acid Grassland PDF House Martin PDF
Tidal Thames PDF The ‘Humble Bumble’ PDF
Canals PDF London’s Exotic Flora PDF
Churchyards and Cemetries PDF s s
Private Garden PDF The Action cover PDF
Parks, Squares and Amenity Grassland PDF s s
s s Action s
Appendices s s
Acknowledgements s s s
Communication Planning Guidelines s s s

Volume 1 of the London Biodiversity Action Plan is an audit of London's key habitats and species. Whilst the audit is an important foundation for the implementation of action to conserve London's biodiversity, plans are needed to guide action.

These Action Plans - along with Statements for certain species and habitats - make up Volume 2 of the London Biodiversity Action Plan, launched on 12 January 2001. Common issues such as funding, communications and species protection have been addressed generically. There is an introduction to The Action here, downloadable as a PDF below. Summaries of all the documents that make up The Action can be viewed - and full versions can be downloaded.

A second round of Action Plans was produced in January 2002 - these will shortly be available online. Contact us for further information.


Oak Leaf © Mathew Frith