- Actions from previous meeting
Action: JF to draft terms of reference - Terms of reference
have now been drafted and agreed
Funding options for a Project Officer and Partnership-
please refer to section 3 for follow-up on actions.
Action: JF to draft MoU and circulate to working group-
to be agreed at next meeting- MoU has been drafted and is
now ready to go to the Project board
- Functioning of Project Board
General discussion on the functioning of old steering group.
Previously the group received progress reports from all the
topic groups and the Project Officer with the steering group
providing comments and recommendations on any issues raised.
The key question raised was are we still going to have the
same format with the restructuring of the partnership? Decisions
are now made independently by each of the working groups. The
project board new role is to co-ordinate these decisions and
check for any conflicts. With this in mind each working group
needs to provide the project board with of the key relevant
decisions they have made. It was also decided that the Project
Officer still needs to provide a progress report for the Project
Board as members may miss issues as they do not sit on all of
the groups.
Action: SG to draft a short paper on the functioning of the
Project Board
Chair for Project Board
There is a need for a comprehensive London representative to
act as chair. Historical continuity if GLA chair (James Farrell),
other appropriate candidates are LWT or a Borough rep.
This issues is to be debated at the Project Board meeting
Action: SG to contact Ralph Gaines and Alister Hayes about
acting as chair for the group and to report back to PO
- Future Funding for the Partnership and the Project Officer
Previous Action: RSPB to approach Bridge House Trust for
continued funding … no further funding is available from
the BHT
Previous Action: SG to lead on application to John Ellerman
A letter has been send to the JEF to get initial sounding,
could provide 3 year grant at £20k/yr. RSPB have asked for £40k/yr,
there has been no response as yet but are optimistic about proposals
as we fit the bill particularly in relation to Partnerships.
The ball is now JEF court.
Previous Action: EC to approach LWT and WWT to ask if in
principle they would apply to the Esmee Fairbairn for funding
… LWT are unable to apply, WWT are willing and happy to
apply. Stephanie Fudge has been invited to this meeting to discuss
the issue in more detail.
WWT can go ahead with an application to EF, but have received
previous funding. There is concern over why RSPB cant apply
for funding, as this may be applicable to WWT. WWT will now
pursue further once they have received feedback from RSPB.
Action: SG to find out more details and report to WWT. EC to
approach other partners about Esmee funding if other options
prove unsuccessful.
Previous Action: EC to co-ordinate to London Borough Grant
Scheme … on hold, depends on progress with other applications
Previous Action: JF to asses possibility of GLA to fund
independent PO … very unlikely as Strategy needs funding,
but could be followed up.
Previous Action: CD to find out more about INTERREG funding
… CD has sent info to JF.
Action: JF to circulate info to rest of working group
- Guidance to Boroughs on BAP production
There is a clear need to provide the Boroughs with more guidance.
EC & JF provide individual guidance and spend a lot of time
commenting on BAPs. This tends to be generic comments on format
etc so to save time and get the Borough up to speed have produced
a brief guide which focuses on key issues.
Action: guide needs to go to the Project Board for approval.
Could then be circulated to the Boroughs with a covering letter
from the GLA reps introducing themselves as their contact point.
- Partnership MoU, Terms Of Reference and Supporters Pledge
This not a legally binding document, more formal in approach
but seeks encourage more commitment from core partners. There
is however still a problem with who are the Partnership.
To bring the Boroughs on board the MoU would have to go to
all Chief Executives. There could be a rolling programme for
signing up. As Boroughs publish their plans they sign up.
Action: Issue to be raised at next LBBF
Terms of Reference
All text has now been agreed.
Action: JF to rework diagram of Partnership Structure
Supporters Pledge
The supporters pledge is needed to broaden the Partnership.
The Communications group has raised concerns over the pledge,
particularly if organisations are signing up without agreeing
to fulfil any action. This could be addressed by providing different
sectors with list of ideas to sign up to. The pledge also needs
a control mechanism and needs to go to the Project Board for
No other issues raised
- Date of next meeting