

Management Working Group

Tuesday 22 July 2003 London Wildlife Trust offices 10.30am



Tim Chapple - Thames Estuary Partnership
Jan Hewlett - Greater London Authority
William Moreno - London Biodiversity Partnership
James Farrell - Greater London Authority
Pete Massini - English Nature
Jeremy Martin- Government Office for London
Jenny Scholfield - London Wildlife Trust (chair / notetaker)

1. Budget

The current budget is held by London Wildlife Trust, and managed by William Moreno. William provided a breakdown of budget to date. It was noted that a format showing real, allocated and projected budget over the 3 year period of the Esmee Fairburn grant would be an improvement on reporting to the management working group. Tim offered to give some Will some one-off support on financial reporting. LWT transferring to new financial software which will also improve reporting.

Action : Will to provide new budget report to the group. It was agreed that money forwarded to the project last year when grant funding from EAF was to cease should now be used to give specific support to Will. For example, the action plan review due later this year.

2. Champions of Biodiversity

There was some debate over the aim of this project. The project will target London's business sector, and encourage transnationals to promote regional biodiversity in addition to their global environmental responsibilities. It was agreed that the project must link to the emerging LBP funding strategy.

Points raised: ·

  • management of this project could be via the funding group depending on how that group develops · project specification required · need to market the 'hook' that relates to topical sustainability and environmental issues, company ethics, London pride……. - why would a business sign up? ·
  • trial it with companies that we already know · potentially 2 different levels of outcome of the project

    - sponsorship

    - corporate champions who develop a further relationship with LBP and different LBP partners

    Action : Pete will put together draft introductory 'package' that will indicate the different levels of involvement with action plans and LBP

3. AOB ·

- HLF funding for LBAP officers in south London group of boroughs? Jenny to ask Alister Hayes for further info. ·
- Potential seminar London Boroughs chief executives; Jeremy reported that GOLs budget received from DEFRAs sustainable development budget may no longer be able to fund a biodiversity seminar as GOL outcomes have now changed. ·
- Jeremy leaving sustainable development section of GOL. A replacement officer is likely to continue to represent GOL at the management working group. ·
- ALG representation on this working group; there had been no reply to original letter of invitation Jenny to contact Chris Lee at ALG again.

4. Date of next meeting

date of next meeting to be confirmed - likely to be early September
