Management Working
Tuesday 4 March 2003 London Wildlife Trust
offices 10.30am
Farrell - Greater London Authority
Peter Massini - English Nature
William Moreno - London Biodiversity Partnership
Doug Napier - Community Initiative Partnership, Hounslow
Jenny Scholfield - London Wildlife Trust (chair and notetaker)
1. Function and structure of management working
It was agreed that the existing terms of reference that
state the purpose of the Management Working Group were satisfactory.
DN reported that the London Boroughs Biodiversity Forum
had agreed that Andrew Bedford (L.B. Islington) would replace
DN as a representative on the working group. This was agreed
by the group. ·
The group discussed the current size of the working group
- all members were present - and agreed that the chair would
invite Chris Lee (Environment Policy, Association of London
Government), Jeremy Martin (Government Office for London)
and Tim Chapple (Thames Estuary Partnership) to join the
2. Terms of reference for working groups, with new membership
guidelines ·
It was agreed that all working groups should set their
terms of reference. Partnership membership guidelines for
all working groups should also be applied. This proposal
will be taken to the next project board meeting for their
approval (proposed membership guidelines attached). ·
The need for specific guidelines for project board membership
was also identified, and a proposal will to be taken to
the next project board meeting for approval. ·
Chair to distribute proposed guidelines to other working
group chairs for discussion at next chairs meeting.
3. Funding group and business plan group
Both the funding strategy group and the business plan group
were set up last year as additional but temporary subgroups
to the Partnership structure. Clear lines of reporting now
need to be reestablished. The lead of the funding group
will report to the management working group, and the lead
of the business plan group will report to the project board.
4. Progress of funding strategy
The following comments on the draft funding strategy -
'Meeting the cost' were made by the group;
i. the actions table should be a key element of the document
ii. the summary for each action plan should be no longer
than 1 A4 page with achievable and stand-alone relevant
projects (and indication of costs)
iii. strategy document should be in form of colour pamphlet
with loose sheets for individual haps and saps that can
then be updated as necessary.
iv. funding for the production of the document needs to
be identified
5. Project Officers report / issues
William's report is attached to these notes.
6. Three year review of action plans - establishing
the process
A 3 year review of the existing SAPs and HAPs will be due
in December 2003. Some SAP and HAP working groups have already
updated original actions, including change of target dates
and identifying new actions. Whilst these changes reflect
the new agendas identified by species and habitat working
groups, this situation will make a 3 year review difficult.
It was proposed that Species, Habitats and Data working
group establish a procedure and timetable for reviewing
action plans. Emerging changes would then be 'adopted' in
2004 as a result of the review process.
There was some concern from the group that suggestions
for new species and habitat action plans did not link to
the original audit.
7. AOB ·
LBP budget - it was suggested that unallocated money in
the budget should be spent on 2 discreet projects, development
of the website, and a marketing project to identify action
plan champions within the business sector. ·
London Sustainability Exchange JF has had initial contact
with this relatively new organisation - 5 year funding from
Bridge House Estate fund. They may develop into a host organisation
for partnerships. JF to invite their chief executive to
a business plan group for further consideration.
Next meeting
The date of next meeting will be set once the project board
has set its annual timetable.