

Management Working Group

3rd meeting, 25 September 2001, GLA



Steve Gilbert (RSPB)
Esther Collis (London Biodiversity Project Officer)
Doug Napier (London Borough Biodiversity Forum & LB Hounslow)
James Farrell (GLA)
Stephanie Fudge (WWT)
Caroline Arnold (Thames Estuary Partnership)
Peter Massini (EN)

1.    Actions from previous meeting

SG to draft a short paper on the functioning of the Project board- action completed and presented at project board meeting (19th June)
SG to contact Ralph Gaines and Alister Hayes about acting as chair for Project Board … Both declined James Farrell is now chair for Project Board
SG has reported to WWT reasons why RSPB can not take forward a funding proposal with Esmee
Borough BAP guidance has now been approved and sent to all Borough BAP contacts

2.    Project Officer Issues & Concerns

    EC outlined current problems concerning the management of her post and the project

3.    Future funding for Partnership & Project Officer Post

John Ellerman Application … RSPB (SG) leading on application. Initial letter met with favourable response. Full application when in July. Interview meeting with Eileen Terry (Grants Officer) was originally planned for the 7th Sep. Meeting has now been rescheduled for 26 th Sept. EC, JF & SG have had an a meeting to discuss the new project proposal and possible question that could be asked on the day.
There was then a further group discussion on questions that could be asked at the interview.
The group also discussed the need for a contingency plan … 2 possible case scenarios

1. Not offered full amount

2. Application turned down

If the application is turned down other funding options include Esmee & the Environmental Action Fund.

Can apply to EAF for £250k for 3 yrs, application must be from a reg charity, need ½ match funding & deadline for application is 9th Nov.

SF & SG have put Esmee on hold until there is feedback from Ellerman. Again the question was raised as to who would lead an application. RSPB have already received a significant amount of money from Esmee and feel they would be turned down. WWT have received previous funding. If there were 2 applications in at the same time response may not be so positive, but will take an application forward.

PM suggested partners should contribute if we are not offered full amount. If only partially successful could approach EAF and use Ellerman as match funding.

Action: SG to email group outcome of meeting with Eileen Terry. Ellerman application to go to Esmee or EAF depending on outcome.

Other funding options where discussed

INTERREG … CA has been to the Rotterdam Fair. There is now a focus on transnational problems rather than on shared experiences e.g. migration, green corridors, and spatial development. Generally easier for rest of Europe, UK applications need a lot of work.
1st London INTERREG Forum to be held at GOL on 5th Nov … need to keep up speed with Interreg and see if our actions match with other projects being taken forward. However this is not going to help in the short term.

Action: EC to attend forum. SG to discover more on the options that happened in Kent. CA to pass on Kent contact.

Generic Funding Action- Develop a funding Strategy for the LBAP. The lead for this action is the GLA (Jan Hewlett). She is very keen to get going on this action.

Key issue … this strategy concerns options for implementation, not specifically project officer funding & core costs.

Action: JH to report findings to group

4.    MOU

    JF has incorporated comments from previous meetings. The next step is identifying the correct people to send it to e.g. Borough's could be leader of the Council or chief executive. Feedback from LBBF should go via ALG, similar idea to Essex Chief Executive’s workshop. BAP partners should decided who is the most appropriate person in their organisation to send to.

    Need to change box to have DG signature and send out 2 copies with 1 to be sent back. Need deadline for sign up e.g. 1st Dec so can co- ordinate with launch event in Dec.

    Action: JF to circulate MOU with covering letter to all partner organisations. DN to draft generic covering letter for Boroughs. Group to look at partner list re any amendments.

5.    Issues for discussion by Project Board

    Re chairs reports to project board.

6.    AOB

    EC circulated next year’s partnership meeting timetable

    JF Mayor's Bio Strategy launched today. Copies being posed out this week. People are encouraged to respond via questionnaire and through consultation meetings. There is 3 months for consultation.

Date of Next Meeting: 14th March 2002
