1. Not offered full amount
2. Application turned down
If the application is turned down other funding options include
Esmee & the Environmental Action Fund.
Can apply to EAF for £250k for 3 yrs, application must be from
a reg charity, need ½ match funding & deadline for application
is 9th Nov.
SF & SG have put Esmee on hold until there is feedback
from Ellerman. Again the question was raised as to who would
lead an application. RSPB have already received a significant
amount of money from Esmee and feel they would be turned down.
WWT have received previous funding. If there were 2 applications
in at the same time response may not be so positive, but will
take an application forward.
PM suggested partners should contribute if we are not offered
full amount. If only partially successful could approach EAF
and use Ellerman as match funding.
Action: SG to email group outcome of meeting with Eileen Terry.
Ellerman application to go to Esmee or EAF depending on outcome.
Other funding options where discussed