Mandy Rudd LWT
William Moreno London Biodiversity Partnership
Tony Scar EA
Nigel Reeve Royal Parks
Richard Bullock Wetlands and Wildfowl Trust
Mike Waite GLA, Mary Norden BW.
Alex Machin
Minutes from last meetin
Approved, no amendments
Progress on the annual report:
William Moreno (WM) reported that this would be produced
by March 2003, its critically important that all leads
get their monitoring forms complete and to WM ASAP at
the latest by the 7th February so that achievements so
far by HAPS/SAPS can be included in the annual report
for 2002.This group concurrent with its remit will then
consider progress and any alterations/reviews made through
the monitoring form, on the 17th February at a meeting
of the group at LWT offices, Southwark at 11am.
The annual report may ultimately be presented together
with the fundraising strategy. WM has altered the monitoring
form which has been circulated no further comments were
received on this from the group, this should be used to
report to WM, until BARS comes on line and each lead partner
can report directly to this. BARS is expected to be used
from March onwards and this will supersede the monitoring
form. There will be a launch with the publication of the
annual report.
Prioritisation criteria for the fundraising strategy
After considerable discussion the group concluded that
its not possible to prioritise one plan over another and
that it recommends to the fundraising group that equal
merit is given to each. It felt that bodies looking to
fund biodiversity will have their own criteria/requirements
that they will wish to fulfil and these will applied to
the plans. The group felt that it would be most useful
for each HAP/SAP to consider where linkages can be made
with their plans with others for example and put these
forward to Jan Hewlett (JH). WM is to report back to the
fundraising strategy, concern was raised as to how if
money /funding achieved for a complimentary group of plans
how will this be split and agreed between partners, protocol
needs to be looked at by the fundraising group. Additionally
the fundraising group needs to agree a protocol for informing
each other about fundraising applications. It has already
been agreed that this strategy is not exclusive individual
organisations are still allowed to apply for funding again
a protocol needs to be agreed by the fundraising group
as to who is the point of contact, who needs to know to
avoid over-burdening a funder. Again WM to report back
to the fundraising strategy group these requests.
It was considered by the group that a bi-annual meeting
for all the leads prior to one of our meetings would be
useful so that all leads can make these sorts of links
and communicate. WM to circulate all leads for a date.
JH has requested that all leads for the plans cost their
plans for the fundraising strategy, William to e-mail
all leads to remind them of this and to ascertain exact
date required for costing requested by JH.
Update on HAPS/SAPS
WM reported on all of these. Some are more progressed
that others. New habitat/species action plans: The group
agreed that it would be positive to consider new plans
including the built environment, reedbeds, lakes and veteran
trees. Nigel Reeve from the Royal Parks (RP) is going
to speak to colleagues to see whether possible that RP
may be able to lead on a mission statement for veteran
trees and to report back to the group at the next meeting.
Links need to be made with the existing parks HAP but
the group felt that there are enough issues surrounding
veteran trees that they warranted at least a mission statement.
Timescale approximate 2004. The group noted that there
is a guideline available from EN.
Reedbeds: Richard Bullock (RB) to explore with contacts
such as RSPB, Lee Valley Park, the receptibility to a
new plan for Reedbeds and will report back to this group.
Lakes: This also warrants its own plan, Toni Scarr to
speak to Dave Webb about the potential for EA involvement
in this, MN to speak to Thames Water and to look at Lea
Valley Regional Park plan. BW have some lakes such as
Brent Reservoir and also on the Lea.
Built Environment: The group felt strongly that in an
urban environment such as London the production of this
plan could be very significant. WM to speak to Dusty Gedge
and Matthew Frith regarding the potential for this plan.
Date of next meeting 11am 14th April 2003, at British
Waterways the Toll House, Little Venice London.