- Introductions
Mary Norden British
David Bevan London
Natural History Society
Mandy Rudd London
Wildlife Trust
Jenny Scholfield London
Wildlife Trust (notetaker)
William Moreno London
Biodiversity Partnership (chair)
Mike Waite Greater
London Authority
Jan Hewlett Greater
London Authority
Emily Funnell Butterfly
Conservation (for part of the meeting)
- Apologies
Dave Webb Environment
Dave Dawson GLA
Richard Bullock Wildfowl
and Wetlands Trust
- Minutes from last meeting
- Matters arising
There were no notes distributed
from the last HSD group meeting in June 2002 (3 in attendence).
Notes were available from meeting of March 2002 – no specific
matters arising.
- William Moreno – new
London Biodiversity Project Officer
William has been in post since
19 August 2002. The post is funded by the Esmee Fairbourne
Foundation, and is hosted by London Wildlife Trust. He
can be contacted on tel 020 7921 5479 e-mail [email protected]
- London Biodiversity Partnership
– production of a business plan
William reported that there
is a working group developing the business plan. For information,
group consists of James Farrell (GLA) Mary Norden (British
Waterways) Jan Hewlett (GLA) Ralph Gaines (London Wildlife
Trust) Dave Mole (London Underground) Tony Davies (Wildlfowl
and Wetland Trust) and Andy Tomczynski(Thames Water)
- Funding for HAPs and
SAPs – a LBP funding strategy
Jan Hewlett distributed an
itemised table of all the action plan actions categorised
into a few common themes. William to look with Jan at
rationale and potential formats for funding strategy and
report back to the working group. Lead partners would
need to be involved in consultation of a development of
a funding strategy.
- update on progress of
current action plans
William gave an overview
of progress of current action plans.
- update on progress towards
a London Biological Records Centre
Mandy gave a summary of the
progress of development. The consultation phase has now
officially finished, and has involved workshops, meetings
and the production of a development plan, which was recently
sent out for consultation. The Local Records Centre Steering
Group members will be compiling the comments sent in and
deciding, based on the feedback, on what happens next
at a meeting later this month. The development phase is
due to start later next year, and the fully-fledged Local
Records Centre is due to be launched in 2006.
- a 3rd tranche
of action plans / statements – any further thoughts
A priority of the new project
officer post is to support the partners in delivery of
current London action plan. Those present felt that ongoing
work towards existing action plans was sufficient challenge
of resources, and that a 3rd tranche was not
appropriate at the moment.
At the same time, opportunities
to develop individual action plans should not be ignored
At the March 2002 meeting,
the possibility of a Lakes HAP was discussed – William
to discuss with potential lead organisations.
David Bevan noted that a
lakes HAP could embrace relevant issues from exotic flora
statement – eg. invasion of Crassula.
- Any other business