Comments & Corrections
Send us your feedback

We welcome your comments & corrections on the Species Audit Database.

You can send us a species record or any general comments or corrections using the form below. The database will be updated periodically to incorporate your feedback.

Report a Species Record

Report up to 2 records at one time, using the two columns below

Please provide as much information as possible - the more information you can provide, the more useful the record.

Record 1

Record 2


Species name:

In which borough was it found?

Description of location
and record:

Grid reference:



Is this a new record?

Yes, or No

Yes, or No

If not, where else is this
record held (eg LNHS)?


General Comments & Corrections

Please provide us with your general comments:


Your Details

These details will be treated with the strictest confidence and will not
be passed on to other organisations.



Phone number

Organisation / Professional Body


Thank you for your time. Now press the Send button to send us your feedback >>