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Habitats, Species and Data Working GroupMinutes30th May 2001, English Nature, Ormond House
Present: Ruth Day (LNHS), Richard Bullock (WWT), Jenny Schofield (LWT), Mike Waite (GLA), Esther Collis (LBP Project Officer), Mike Manuel (British Waterways), Rebecca (British Waterways), Peter Massini (English Nature). 1. Apologies: Dave Dawson (GLA), Dave Bevan (LB Haringey), Mandy Rudd (LWT) 2. Matters Arising Subsequent to Peter Harveys presentation at the previous meeting, the issue of invertebrates in the BAP process is being addressed more thoroughly. Esther and Peter had sent out letter and monitoring forms to action plan leads. A preliminary meeting to discuss a development plan for a London Biological Records Centre had taken place with representatives from LNHS, LWT, GLA and EN. 3. Action Plan Implementation Esther reported reasonable progress towards implementation of the 1st tranche of action plans. The state of play was presented on a table (circulated at meeting). There was confusion over who was lead for the Mistletoe plan. Esther and Rebecca to follow up and resolve. (Note – subsequent to the meeting Jonathan Briggs from British Waterways set up meeting). Any problems? Esther reported that some survey work (e.g. for water vole) had been delayed due to Foot and Mouth restrictions. There was still no lead for the Grey Heron Action Plan. An Annual Report will be produced at the end of the year detailing progress on implementation. The group thought it important to highlight some high profile actions as the annual report would be an opportunity to encourage other to participate in the partnership by highlighting notable achievements. Some discussion about possible funding opportunities for implementation. The Chalk grassland action plan had received £50 000 from the heritage lotteries small grants fund. There is a possibility for other action plans to tap into this funding stream. British waterways were putting in a bid to HLF for conservation of built heritage along Regents Canal; there is an opportunity to address some biodiversity actions as part of this bid e.g. bat and sand martin actions. Action: MM 4. Second Tranche Action Plans Esther reported on progress towards drafting second tranche of action plans. Details provided in table (circulated at meeting). No organisation had come forward to take a lead on ‘Grassland, Meadow and Pasture’ action plan. The group felt that it was unlikely that a lead would be forthcoming in the near future and agreed, therefore, that this plan should be dropped from this year’s timetable. There was also a difficulty in finding a lead for the ‘Ponds, Lakes and Reservoirs’ action plan. It was suggested that Esther contact Tim Hill at Lea Valley Regional Park Authority to ask whether he could produce a quick and dirty first draft based on LVRPA own BAP and the action plan for ponds and lakes produced by Ruth for the Westminster BAP. Action: EC A question was raised about integration between London BAP and borough BAPs. Esther advised that she and James farrel at the GLA had put together updated guidelines for boroughs BAPs which would be sent to all boroughs subject to approval from the Project Board. Most of the boroughs that were preparing BAPs were using the London BAP as a model. 5. London Biodiversity Audit The audit was being updated. Esther will provide an article for LNHS newsletter and LWT’s wildlife Network to alert recorders and others with relevant information. Revisions and additional information could be posted on the website but the article for the newsletters will also provide a postal address where relevant information can be sent. Any data or records received that needed expert validation would be passed to the relevant LNHS recorder for comment. There will be a deadline of 1st November for receipt of updated information. Action: EC 6. Election of New Chair Peter had decided to step down as Chair of the working Group due to too many other commitments many of them BAP related. There was much wailing and beating of breasts at this terrible news (OK, I made this bit up!) but Richard bravely agreed to take over the reigns. 7. AOB Esther to circulate for comment a document drafted by London First re: Business and Biodiversity. Action: ES DONM – 2.00 pm, Thursday 6th September, LWT offices |
London Biodiversity Partnership c/o Strategy
Directorate, GLA, A409 Romney House, Marsham St, London SW1P 3PY |