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Generic Action5. Biological Recording Biological records (information on the location, distribution and extent of habitats and species populations) are essential data underpinning the decision-making process for biodiversity conservation. Accessible, up-to-date and credible biological records allow informed decisions to be made about the biodiversity conservation interest of a site or area and how this is best conserved or enhanced. A wealth of biological information currently exists, but much of it is difficult to obtain because the information is often held in various formats in disparate locations. Rapid advancements in data-handling technology provide opportunities for a more unified approach to the collation and dissemination of biological information. The National Biodiversity Network is a national project that is currently developing procedures and protocols to enable the establishment of a network of linked biological records centres. This will facilitate access to and exchange of compatible data. Objectives, Actions and Targets Objective: To establish a biological records centre for London to collate and disseminate a wide-range of biological information, linked to the National Biodiversity Network. Target: To have a biological records centre set up and providing a service to key partners and external customers by 2006
Further reading National Biodiversity Network website: |
London Biodiversity Partnership c/o Strategy
Directorate, GLA, A409 Romney House, Marsham St, London SW1P 3PY |