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CWG Agenda

Communications Working Group


13 June 2001


Emma Robertshaw (ER)- LWT
Anne Malville (AV) BTCV
Karen Kemmis-Betty (KK)- LWT
Alex Machin (AM)- EN
Anne Homyer (AH)- BTCV
Esther Collis (EC)- LBP


Adrian Thomas- RSPB
Julie Brownbridge- GLA
Malcolm Whitehead

1.    The minutes from 8th May 2001 were approved, with the exception of Alex Machin’s initials being wrong.

2.    Partnership Pledge (PP)

EC explained that there had been a management working group meeting on 12/06/01, and that they were still keen to go ahead with the PP. It was explained that there would have to be some kind of control mechanism, which may involve a selection of fact sheets to give targeted groups something to work with. EC then passed around the LBP memorandum, and went on to explain the process.
Groups would sign up to the pledge and then pick an aim; for example, ‘we want to carry out practical conservation’.
ER asked if the pledges would be monitored, and whether EC would be personally responsible for reviewing whether or not groups have fulfilled the action they signed up to do. EC suggested asking for a report at the end of the year, and it was generally felt that this would involve a lot of chasing and extra work.
EC asked for help with a list of ideas for different sectors, e.g. Community groups, other wildlife groups, businesses etc. As this is to be discussed at the next project board meeting, AM suggested that once it is known how they feel, it can be raised as an agenda point at the next LBP meeting.

Action all: List of different sectors to be discussed at the next LBP Meeting.

There was general discussion about which sectors to involve, the differences between committed public groups and businesses and how to utilise our different organisation’s facilities. ER suggested that it would be useful and interesting if now and again an email went around to all partners giving contact details of any contacts who have expressed interest. No action point was decided.
It was agreed at the suggestion of EC that there should be 4 or 5 target audiences, and 4 or 5 action points.


  1. Planning of partnership event.
EC distributed a draft summary of the event with a more detailed timetable, and then talked generally about invites, speakers and workshops.
EC asked for help with the ‘communicating your actions’ workshop. It was generally felt that this should be done by someone at borough level with more experience. AM suggested that the meeting might be a very good time to communicate to everyone who the LBP are and what they can do, as actioned in the last minutes.

Action AH and AV: AH and AV to deliver short speech together at the meeting.

Everyone generally feels very positive about the event, and were willing to offer EC whatever help they can!


4.    Matters Arising.
Identify all communication actions- EC has done this but has held back until there are press guidelines etc. in place.

Action EC: EC to forward Chalk Grassland and Peregrine Falcon advice notes to all, responses back to her by the 20th.

Action AH: After discussion it was decided that Action plan leads should be forwarded just to

AH who will then disseminate this information to the whole group.

Update communications guidelines.

ER circulated a handout which all read. One of the main questions that ER had was when should a press release be sent out on behalf of the Partnership rather than an individual organisation? It was agreed that in most cases, the press release should be sent out on behalf of your organisation, but the Partnership should be mentioned as a subtext.

Communications Timetable.

EC asked if all were happy to commit to more meetings than other groups. ER suggested ‘working meetings’ to discuss specific issues.

It was decided to have ‘case study meetings’. The date of the next Case Study meeting is 19th July.

New caption for logo to be developed.

It was felt by all that the strapline should be simpler, i.e. change ‘consortium’ to ‘group’.

After much discussion, it was cut down to 4 finalists:

‘Working together for Wildlife in our Capital’
‘Working together for Londoner’s Capital’
‘Working together for Wildlife’
‘Working together for London’s Wildlife’

Action: All to decide on one logo and tell AH by 15/06/01.

Marketing and Branding issues.

EC said that the Partnership should have a Marketing strategy, but feels that the subject is being addressed anyway. AM asked if the steering group would be happy if there was no formal strategy.

Action: AM. It was decided that AM would add some information on the Marketing strategy on the front page of the memo.

Other points for AH to definitely add were decided to be as follows:

Logo strapline
Partnership Pledge
Changed terms of reference for the group.
‘This is our strategy...’
Partnership event

5.    AOB

AH- AH and AV are in the process of designing and buying some display boards.

Date of next meeting: Thursday 27th September, 10am,  English Nature, 26-27 Boswell St, Holborn.



London Biodiversity Partnership c/o Strategy Directorate, GLA, A409 Romney House, Marsham St, London SW1P 3PY
© London Biodiversity Partnership 2001     email